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InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

InterLibrary Loan (ILL) is a great tool for researchers or anyone who needs access to materials that are not available within the collections of the eiNetwork’s participating libraries, which include Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County Library Association Libraries.

Eligibility: Anyone with a library card from eiNetwork’s participating libraries is eligible to use ILL.

Delivery Time: Most requests are fulfilled within two to four weeks. Occasionally, requests require more time or cannot be fulfilled due to lender policies and material availability.

Returns and renewals: Materials may be renewed a total of one time. Materials may be returned to any Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh or Allegheny County Library Association Library. It is recommended that items be returned in person, rather than via return book drops.

Fees: Most materials are available at no charge, but occasionally a lending fee applies. You’ll be asked to indicate on the request form the maximum cost that you are willing to pay to borrow the item. Please note that if you request an item with lending fees and indicate that you are willing to pay the fee, you will be charged that amount whether or not you pick up the item. Please be sure to notify your Library or the ILL Department if you need to change or cancel a request.

Contact Us: For questions or assistance, please contact the InterLibrary Loan office at 412.920.4535 or email

This project is made possible in part by Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services and through Library Access Funds administered by the Office of Commonwealth Libraries, Department of Education, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, Governor.

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