Books, Glory, Awesomeness… How A YA Trivia Contest Reignited This Librarian’s Reading Fire

For those not in the know, Battle of the Books is like pub trivia without the booze, that instead focuses on a specific book list for each participating grade level, all while bringing TONS of teens from all over the city and county together in their love of reading (and the thrill of competition!). One of my favorite parts about this program is the collaboration that goes into suggesting book titles to make the final cut, which happens across the Library and even beyond Teen Services (teamwork makes the dream work!). And if you’re anything like me, you get to experience a new genre/author/writing style than what you might normally pick out for yourself to read.

We Could Be Heroes If We Knew What That Meant

Alison Green, the star of the comic Strong Female Protagonist, used to be a superhero named Mega-Girl. She was pretty good at it, too; then she had an existential crisis and went off to college to learn other ways of saving the world. Leaving Mega-Girl behind isn’t all that easy, though: as Alison tries to cobble together a normal life at school, she keeps running into awkward situations.

Final Countdown

Only 48 more hours until Summer Reading Extravaganza, the Library’s annual celebration of literacy and learning. This year, you’ll have the chance to: Enjoy live performances, interactive storytimes and puppet … Continued