Rae’s Story

“I feel we are better parents.” With mom and dad by her side, two-year-old Rae sings, claps her hands and stamps her feet during Friday storytimes at CLP – Allegheny. … Continued

Everybody Loves “Popcorn Kernels”

Pittsburgh Ready reflects Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s mission to engage preschool youth meaningfully and develop innovative opportunities for professional growth. If Pittsburgh Ready had a theme song, it would be “Popcorn Kernels”!

Databases Are Not Just for Data

Your library card gives you and your family access to all sorts of materials like books, movies and music. But you probably already knew that. Did you know it also gives you access to useful and fun digital content through our databases?

Free Family Fun

When you think of a library, you typically picture people quietly reading and librarians shushing whenever their volume reaches a disruptive level. But that’s not the scene at Family PlayShop … Continued