eResources for Black History Month

Looking for information about the people, places and events that Black History Month commemorates? Whether you are searching now or at any other time throughout the year, check out some … Continued

Stand Up and Be Counted!

2020 is not only a Presidential election year, but also time for the Decennial Census! This is not only a civic duty that’s easy to fulfill, but also necessary for … Continued

Everybody Loves “Popcorn Kernels”

Pittsburgh Ready reflects Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s mission to engage preschool youth meaningfully and develop innovative opportunities for professional growth. If Pittsburgh Ready had a theme song, it would be “Popcorn Kernels”!

2020 Black History Month Book List for Teens

The 2020 National theme for Black History Month is “African Americans and the Vote” marking the 150th anniversary of the Fifteenth Amendment which granted the right to vote to Black men after the Civil War. Through stories that illustrate the important history of voting rights and civil rights teens in grades 9-12 can learn about the Civil Rights Movement and the monumental Voting Rights Act of 1965 in an interesting and exciting way.

Databases Are Not Just for Data

Your library card gives you and your family access to all sorts of materials like books, movies and music. But you probably already knew that. Did you know it also gives you access to useful and fun digital content through our databases?

Fine Free at CLP

UPDATE: It’s official! As of January 25, 2022, CLP items (books, movies and other materials) will no longer accrue overdue fines. Learn more. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh is excited to … Continued

Upcoming Changes to

UPDATE 9/18/2019: LinkedIn has sent out the following message to its library customers: “First, thank you for being a valued customer and working so closely with us on the migration … Continued