Beyond Pride Month: LGBTQIA+ History in Its Own Words

Just like any of the big monthly celebrations – Black History month, Women’s History month, etc. – Pride month should be a starting point for exploration and interest rather than a self-contained celebration. Here are some suggestions for putting more queer history into your feed and your daily life, along with connections to our collection. 

What’s a Filibuster?

The filibuster has often been a polarizing tactic in the United States Senate, but do you know the origin of this 4-syllable word (Hint: its name comes from the Dutch word for “pirate”)? Check out our latest blog post to learn more about the record-setting uses of the filibuster throughout U.S. history, and why it’s such a controversial parliamentary procedure today.

Racism and Economics

How do we measure the impact of race on opportunity? How can the U.S. live up to its aspirations to be a place where all people have opportunities to thrive? And how can we come together to talk about—and change—the circumstances that limit the lives of so many of our citizens?

Recorded Accompaniments!

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to practice your instrument or sing with a band in your own space whenever the spirit moves you? The library can help! You … Continued

Exploring Perspectives on Marijuana Legalization Through Books

On Wednesday, March 31, 2021, the Library is hosting a virtual event as part of the “Hear Me Out” Dialogue Series. This event, all about marijuana legislation, will feature a speaker and discussion of policy questions and restorative justice approaches to decriminalization. Navigating the waters of a polarizing issue like marijuana can be confusing. Perhaps you know exactly where you stand, or you’re confused about where to begin to develop an opinion. If you’re in either camp or anywhere in between, I’ve created a roundup of materials in Library collections that can help you examine your own viewpoint and see new ones!