Elsewhere we’ve shared resources that can help you create your own storytime or read-aloud at home. Now, we’re bringing you a list of great places to watch or stream storytimes from the comfort of your home or from your own device.
During our closure, we’ll be posting Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh virtual storytimes on our social media channels every Friday. See you there!
Where are you finding great storytimes online? Let us know—you can find us on on Facebook @CarnegieLibraryofPittsburgh, twitter @CarnegieLibrary, Instagram @carnegielibrary or email us. Be well!
Bethel Park Public Library: 5 Minute Bed Time Story with Ms. Elaine
Ms. Elaine, Children’s Department Director of the Bethel Park Public Library, reads stories for you to share with your family at bed time.
Launched in partnership with Penguin Random House, Brightly features full-length picture books read out loud by storyteller Ms. Linda.
This local library will be sharing storytimes for all of us at home due to the pandemic.
Green Tree Public Library: Facebook Live Storytime
Miss Emily shares new books in these local storytimes.
Indianapolis Public Library: 100+ Free Video Read Alouds
Click on the picture book covers to view a free video read-aloud. The list includes old favorites and new titles too.
This list of storytime resources includes videos, websites, and podcasts to support those who cannot make it to the library for any reason. The focus is on early literacy support – songs, rhymes, movement, and stories. It includes a list of (mostly Canadian) libraries that are livestreaming storytimes while they are closed.
Moon Township Public Library: Miss Megan Presents: Storytime Live!
Join local librarian Miss Megan (and sometimes her talented son, Josh) for songs, stories and fun!
Romper started a movement on Twitter, collecting videos of famous people, authors and illustrators reading children’s books.
Shaler North Hills Library: Streaming Storytimes
This local library is streaming storytimes from here in Allegheny County.
Storyline Online offers streaming videos that feature actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. Readers include Viola Davis, Chris Pine, Lily Tomlin, Kevin Costner, Annette Bening, James Earl Jones, Betty White and dozens more.
Astronauts on the International Space Station read stories to children and conduct science experiments. This project of the Global Space Education Foundation includes books for preschoolers and school-age children.