Listen to your favorite literature on the go with streaming and downloadable audiobooks from these providers:
Free movies, TV shows, audiobooks and music albums. Enjoy on your computer (streaming) or through the Hoopla app for Android or iOS devices (stream or download).
Click here for help using Hoopla.
Find adult, teen, and children’s fiction, nonfiction, popular authors, current and backlist titles. Just interested in content for children or teens? Check out ourOverDrive for Kids and OverDrive for Teens sites.
Click here for help using Overdrive.
Naxos Spoken Word Library
Click here if you are using Naxos within a Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh library.
Listen to streaming audio of adult and children’s classic fiction, non-fiction, plays, and poetry. This requires an ongoing connection to the Internet. You must use the log out button when exiting this database, or future log-ins may be unsuccessful.
Click here for help using Naxos.