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Stay In and Read!

Okay, so: School, work, events, and just about everything else are closed, and many of us are looking at spending a lot of time at home. What do we do now?

Stay In and Read!

This won’t surprise anyone, but we think this is a great chance to catch up on your reading. Sure, there are always Good Reasons to keep reading – reading during breaks helps kids transition back to school more smoothly, and we could all use some of the stress reduction that research has shown comes from reading even for a little bit, right?

But, more importantly, we miss seeing you and talking about the books you’re excited about. With our physical locations closed for a while, we want to stay connected.

Stay In and Read is similar to Summer Reading, but it’s all online. Here’s how it works:

  • Start by signing in, or creating a new account on our website.
  • We challenge all children, teens, and adults in Pittsburgh to perform three “Reads” each week. That could be three books, three chapters, three hours of an audiobook, etc.
  • Log your reading online to unlock achievements and badges, and to be eligible for prizes.
  • We’ll offer book picks, discussion questions, chances to chat with librarians, and more on our social media to help keep the conversation going.

If details sound a little fuzzy, that’s because we’re making this up together!

The program starts on Monday, March 23rd. You can register now and start logging any time!

Sounds fun, right? Want to join us?

Go to our website to register for Stay In and Read!

Read books. Connect with the Library. Challenge yourself!

Stay In and Read!

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