Talking With Children About Elections, Violence and Current Events

Painted image of a purple heart with the words "Here to Help."

Talking calmly and comfortingly with children about current events may feel impossible at times. But to build a better world with and for them, we need to help kids find ways to make sense of the problems we face without being overwhelmed.

Whether difficult conversations are smooth or tricky for your family, sharing a book can be a good starting point. Books can feel like a (somewhat) safer way to introduce distressing topics. They can also offer the opportunity to evaluate—or even try out—a variety of ways to respond.

Titles below can help you talk with an older child, reassure a younger child or offer an invitation to your child to express their emotions. If these titles don’t contain the information or topics you’re looking for, we’re happy to offer personalized assistance to find titles that do!

To get a list curated just for you and your family, use the Book Recommendation form to send us some information about what you are hoping to find.

You can sign up for a free library card here. If you are new to our eResources, check out these tutorial videos on how to get started. If you have any additional questions, you can contact a librarian through Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. You can also call us at 412-622-3114 or email us at

The Breaking News

With bad news in the air, Mom is glued to the television, and Dad is constantly checking his phone; it is up to the children to remind them they are still there.

If Kids Ran the World

In text and pictures, this book tells us how much better the world would be, if kids were allowed to run the world.

I'm Worried

Potato is worried about what might happen in the future, causing Flamingo to worry, too, but their friend, a little girl, encourages them to focus on enjoying the present, instead. You can also check out this title as an eBook on OverDrive/Libby.

Kindness Makes Us Strong

Celebrates kindness as it displays various children extending kindness in all kinds of situations, including on the playground, at lunchtime, and on a neighborhood street.You can also check out this title as eBook on OverDrive/Libby.

Something Bad Happened: A Kid's Guide To Coping With Events in the News

When we learn about something bad – even when we hear only bits and pieces of it – our brains get busy trying to make sense of what we’ve heard. Seeing distressing events on the news, or hearing about them later, can feel scary and overwhelming. Talking about what happened, and how we feel about it, is hugely important.

When I Feel Worried

A young guinea pig describes situations that make her worry, what being worried feels like and how she can stop worrying. Includes note to parents and teachers. You can also check out this title as eBook on OverDrive/Libby.

The Worry (Less) Book: Feel Strong, Find Calm, and Tame Your Anxiety!

We all have a mixture of fun and not-so fun feelings. And everyone feels worried sometimes. But too much anxiety can get in the way. So this book is here to help you identify your anxiety, understand why it’s just part of life, and equip you with all the tools you need to find calm again.