Not your Zombie’s Apocalypse

We’ve all thought about how to survive a zombie apocalypse, but what if that’s not how the world as we know it comes to an end? What if, instead, six-foot-tall praying mantises take over and you simultaneously have to figure out being in love with both your girlfriend and your best guy friend? Your city turns into steel after an explosion in the sky gives ordinary people superpowers and anger management issues? You’re abducted by aliens and they give you the choice of whether to hit a button that saves the world? Angry angels take over? Be prepared, and let these books help you plan for a few more scenarios.


A month after angels of the apocalypse descend to demolish the world, gangs, panic and superstition rule the streets. Seventeen-year old Penryn ends up in the middle of angels fighting one another, and her little sister is abducted. Desperate, she makes a deal with an enemy angel.

Grasshopper Jungle: A History

Austin Szerba narrates the end of humanity as he and his best friend Robby accidentally unleash an army of giant, unstoppable bugs and uncover the secrets of a decades-old experiment gone terribly wrong.


At age eight, David watched as his father was killed by an Epic, a human with superhuman powers, and now, ten years later, he joins the Reckoners–the only people who are trying to kill the Epics and end their tyranny.

We are the Ants

Abducted by aliens periodically throughout his youth, Henry Denton is informed by his erstwhile captors that they will end the world in 144 days unless he stops them by deciding that humanity is worth saving.