Always Available on Hoopla: Elementary Reads

Like many families right now, mine is trying to figure out a new normal. We’re working to find the balance of work and play—for both adults and childrenand some days we are achieving it better than others. But even if so much in our world right now is unpredictable, I am thankful for two things that are constant: the Library and books.

So we’ve started a new library tradition of browsing for books and discovering great new reads in a different way—through eBooks. Below is a list of some of my favorite picks for elementary students. I hope your family enjoys them as much as mine did!  

Don’t forget that eBooks count towards your child’s Stay In and Read Challenge too! And if you are new to Hoopla Digital, follow this link to our eResources page or view a video tutorial.   

Lunchtime Riddles

How many peas are in a pod? What type of cheese is made backwards? The answers to these questions and more can be found in this puzzling collection of delicious riddles. The theme of these brain-bending games is one readers will all enjoy: lunch. You can also check out this title as eBook on Hoopla.

New Kid

Instead of sending Jordan to the arts school of his dreams, his parents enroll him in a prestigious private school known for its academics. Jordan turns out to be one of the few kids of color in his entire grade and struggles to find balance between his home life in Washington Heights and his new upscale academy. You can also check out this title as eBook on Hoopla, as eAudio on Hoopla, as eBook on Libby or as eAudio on Libby.