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Upcoming Program-alikes

Happy August from Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh! With school just around the corner, we have been working to support you as much as possible. One way is through our extended, … Continued


  Sign Up for the CivicCLP Newsletter: Join our CivicCLP mailing list here (select ‘Civic Engagement’ from the email topics list). What is Civic Engagement? Source: Presidential Precinct First Amendment … Continued

Painted image of a purple heart with the words "Here to Help."

Here to Help: Community Resources

The deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery and subsequent protests in Pittsburgh and across the country have been triggering and traumatic events for our community. Carnegie Library … Continued

Text reading "What to expect at CLP: Next Phase News" with library and covid illustrations.

Responding to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

UPDATED 6/11/2020 We’re Back … Almost! Thank you for keeping our books and other library materials safe during the COVID-19 pandemic closure. We know how stressful the past few months … Continued

Privacy Policy

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh has a strong commitment to protect the privacy of customers who use our services. To provide services, the Library collects and maintains personally identifiable information about customers. … Continued

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