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An Introduction to Manga

This is a brief introduction to the wonderful world of manga designed for educators, parents, librarians and manga enthusiasts.

We are here: Library At Home

Get Book Recommendations at Home!

We all been home for a while now and possibly gone through our stacks of library books we grabbed before library doors closed, the books we bought that have been sitting on our shelves for years, the … Continued

Graphic featuring eBook reader surrounded by stars with text "Staff Picks."

Wonders of the Urban Wilderness

Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time walking around my neighborhood. It started when we got a puppy a couple of months ago. But the practice has definitely increased as our ability to … Continued

Grandparent shares their smartphone screen with their grandchild.

Building Resilience Three Links at a Time

A few years back, the Collection Development team here at CLP began sharing what we call “SuperBetter Moments.” The idea came from a TED talk by game designer Jane McGonigal.   In the video, McGonigal … Continued

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