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Graphic featuring stack of library books and ladder surrounded by stars and clouds with text "Staff Picks."

Always Available on Hoopla: Elementary Reads

Like many families right now, mine is trying to figure out a new normal. We’re working to find the balance of work and play—for both adults and children—and some days we are achieving it better than others. But even if so much in our world right now is unpredictable, I am thankful for two things that are constant: the Library and books.

Text "2020 Black History Month" in front of black geometrical background.

2020 Black History Month Book List for Teens

The 2020 National theme for Black History Month is “African Americans and the Vote” marking the 150th anniversary of the Fifteenth Amendment which granted the right to vote to Black men after the Civil War. Through stories that illustrate the important history of voting rights and civil rights teens in grades 9-12 can learn about the Civil Rights Movement and the monumental Voting Rights Act of 1965 in an interesting and exciting way.

Cover art of A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines

A Lesson Before Dying

Recently, while sorting papers, I came across a list, made over ten years ago, of books I was interested in reading. On it was A Lesson Before Dying (DB36694), Ernest … Continued

Surprisingly STEM

Let’s stretch STEM learning beyond the “T” for technology by exploring awesome books about science, engineering, and math for young children.

Cover art of The Body Of Christopher Creed by Carol Plum-ucci

Creed. doc.

The Body of Christopher Creed (DB 52758) by Carol Plum-Ucci is a fiction novel that follows the story of a high school student named Torey as he navigates through his feelings … Continued

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