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February’s Virtual Lineup


Teenspace Instagram

Black History Month 2021

While we know Black History Month at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh will look a little different this year due to limited in-person services, we’ve developed a robust lineup of virtual programming and resources to engage our city remotely and safely. A directory of this year’s Black History Month resources from the Library can be found here.


Video Book Reviews:
Up close and personal book talks with some of your favorite library staff. The next best thing to coming in and getting a recommendation. Short videos are posted through Instagram Stories and Facebook Stories.
Teen: Mondays at 2:00pm
Kids: Wednesdays at 2:00pm
Adults: Fridays  at 2:00pm

Book Blurbs:
Short and engaging book recommendations with some of your favorite library staff. The posts can be found on Instagram, and shared on Facebook and Twitter.
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays

Virtual Genealogy:
Two videos per week, posted on Tuesdays and Fridays at noon. One how-to short screencast-based video per week demonstrating how to use a particular genealogy resource, and one video of Amy answering a question that has come in and teaching the technique for finding the answer with Q&A encouraged in the comments. Watch on YouTube.


Virtual Storytime
Experience the magic and benefits of storytime from the comfort of home with entertaining songs, rhymes and early literacy tips. Watch on InstagramFacebook & YouTube.
Baby & Toddler Storytimes, Tuesdays at 9am.
PreSchool Storytimes, Fridays at 9am

Storytime Shorts
Entertaining songs, rhymes and early literacy tips from familiar Children’s staff. Have fun with your young child while learning to sing, talk and move using rhymes and songs that build valuable pre-reading skills.
Watch @carnegielibrary Instagram Stories.
2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, at 9:00 am

Storytime for a Group
Bring the magic of storytime to your classroom while expanding early literacy opportunities for the children in your care! Enjoy songs, rhymes, stories and early literacy tips. Call 412-622-3114 or text 412-775-3900* for a passcode for your group!
Baby/Toddler and Preschool videos are uploaded by the 24th of each month

Teen Time @ Home
Join us Wednesday afternoons when we do fun, creative activities that teens can learn and share alongside us! Every other week, we’ll post an activity that goes along with a Teen Time Grab & Go Activity Kit available for you to pick-up at your neighborhood locationEach kit contains all the materials you need for the project. Kits will be available for pick up at all CLP locations while supplies last. Follow us 
@clpteenspace on Instagram or find us on YouTube!

Creative Course Club
Learn something new! Join us every Monday to discover a new activity on YouTube @clpvideo as well as our Instagram and Facebook for DIYing, making, cooking, home hacks, and retro to modern crafts. Our creative team is here to share skills, online resources and tutorials, books and maybe some epic craft fails in the process.

  • February 1st – Alma Woodsey Thomas Inspired Abstract Rock Painting 
  • February 8th  – Cut Paper Art and Identity Exploration with Kara Walker 
  • February 15th – Elizabeth Catlett Inspired Block Prints  
  • February 22nd  – Bisa Butler Inspired Fabric Collage 

Virtual Book Club
Monday, February 8, 2021 2:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Join a lively discussion with fellow book lovers via Zoom to discuss Orange World by Karen Russell. Attendees will be given complementary access to Karen Russell’s Ten Evenings lecture on February 22, courtesy of Pittsburgh Arts & Lectures. Copies of this book are available on Overdrive and through the Catalog. Please register before the discussion through the Library’s online events calendar. Stay up to date on all things “VBC” with by joining our Facebook group CLP Virtual Book Club. 

Virtual Computer Basics: Safety and Security on the Internet
Thursday, February 11, 2021 2:00 PM–3:00 PM
Join us for a virtual learning opportunity as we explore the basics of Safety and Security on the Internet.  Learn how to navigate reputable sites, avoid scams and stay safe online.  This class is limited to ten participants. Please call 412-622-3114 or use the Eventbrite box on the event page to register.

Virtual Conference: Early Literacy, Libraries and You

  • Every Child Ready to Read
    Monday, February 15 from 9:30 am–11:30 am – Gain information about the life-long impact of developing early literacy skills. This virtual workshop, hosted on Zoom, presents an overview of Every Child Ready to Read and enables participants to easily integrate early learning strategies and supports into their existing work and relationships with children. Attendees will receive 2 hours of PQAS credit and/or ACT 48 Credit. Click here to register for this session.
  • Transformation Big & Small: The Pittsburgh Ready Story
    Monday, February 15 from 1 pm – 3 pm – Hear the stories of childcare providers in the City of Pittsburgh participating in the Pittsburgh Ready Project. In offering coaching, early literacy tools, books and professional development to five childcare providers, what transformations are possible for physical spaces and the children they serve? Let’s find out! You can also find out what support tools are available for you! Panel discussion will include childcare providers who participated in the Pittsburgh Ready Project and Trying Together Quality Coaches. Attendees will receive 2 hours of PQAS credit and/or ACT 48 Credit. Click here to register for this session.
  • Using Digital Media Resources with Early Learners
    Wednesday, February 17 from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
    — Examine current research and suggestions for best practices when using technology with young children. Explore diverse activity ideas that will expand imaginations. Learners will leave with strategies and tools for integrating digital media resources into everyday early literacy activities. Attendees will receive 2 hours of PQAS credit and/or ACT 48 Credit. Click here to register for this session.
  • Library 101
    Wednesday, February 24 from 5:30 – 7:30 pm — Gain all the information you need to get the most out of your Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh library card, with a focus on resources for young children. Effectively navigate the online catalog, master the array of digital resources available and understand available programs. Attendees will receive 2 hours of PQAS credit and/or ACT 48 Credit. Click here to register for this session.
  • Race, Reading and Young Children
    Thursday, February 25 from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
      — This workshop for educators and caregivers provides interactive introduction to the importance of racial representation in children’s literature. Program Director of the P.R.I.D.E. Program Dr. Aisha White will share research around positive racial identity development. Participants will learn about ways to find and evaluate books with racial representation published for children, along with publishing trends. Attendees will receive 2 hours of PQAS credit and/or ACT 48 Credit. Click here to register for this session.

Virtual On Ramp to Python: A Six Week Introduction to Coding
Are you interested in learning how to code?  Our “Virtual On-Ramp to Python” is an introduction for individuals who are comfortable using a computer but have no previous programming experience.  Python is a widely used, general purpose programming language.  We will cover the fundamentals of coding including variables, conditionals, loops, lists, and functions. Participants will complete programming topics using an online learning website for Python and also meet virtually for six consecutive weeks from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Virtual meetings will include time for review, questions, exercises, and live instructor coding. In addition to the meetings there will be around an hour’s worth of independent exercises to do each week. A computer and internet are required for the class, webcam preferred. 

  • Tuesday Series Registration– This six-week course will meet for 6 evenings from 6:30 to 8pm on Tuesdays: 2/16, 2/23, 3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23. 
  • Wednesday Series Registration– This six-week course will meet for 6 evenings from 6:30 to 8pm on Wednesdays:  2/17, 2/24, 3/3, 3/10, 3/17, 3/24. 
  • Thursday Series Registration – This six-week course will meet for 6 evenings from 6:30 to 8pm on Thursdays:  2/18, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25.  

Virtual Computer Basics: eBooks, Audiobooks & Video
Thursday, February 18, 2021, 2:00 PM–3:00 PM
Learn how to download from Overdrive, Libby and Hoopla to your device and explore the different eResources available at your fingertips. Please call 412-622-3114 or use Eventbrite to register.

Celebrate: Black History Month
Friday, February 19, 2021

Share interactive rhymes and songs and meet new friends during a virtual Black History Month storytime. Children and adults will use books to expand their imaginations and develop early literacy skills. Reading together is the single most important activity that you can do to help your child get ready to read. For children age 18 months to 5 years and their caregivers. Watch on InstagramFacebook & YouTube.

Virtual Book Club
Monday, February 22, 2021, 2:00 PM & 7:00 PM
Join a lively discussion with fellow book lovers via Zoom to discuss We’re Better Than This by Elijah Cummings, as part of our Black History Month at CLP. Copies of this book can be requested via Overdrive/Libby and through the Catalog. Please register before the discussion through the Library’s online events calendar. Stay up to date on all things “VBC” with by joining our Facebook group CLP Virtual Book Club.

We’re Better Than This – The Future of Our Democracy, a Virtual Conversation
Monday, February 22, 2021, 7:00 PM
Join the Library, Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings and Jim Dale for a deeper look into the book We’re Better than This by U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings. Learn more about how the book came to be written, and the formative moments in Mr. Cummings’ lifetime that helped to shape his dedication to public service. Dr. Cummings will reconstruct the congressman’s final days and reflect on how he would have reacted to recent events. This discussion will be followed by a Q&A session with questions pulled from the meeting room’s chat function.Copies of this book can be requested via Overdrive/Libby and through the CatalogPlease register before the discussion through the Library’s online events calendar.

Virtual Computer Basics: DigitalLearn
Thursday, February 25, 20212:00 PM–3:00 PM
DigitalLearn is a free resource from Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh that helps you build your computer skills and unlock your potential to increase your digital literacy. From just learning the parts of a computer to online shopping, DigitalLearn has you covered. Join us as we talk about the topics covered in this tool, which allows you to learn at your own pace. This class is limited to ten participants. Please call 412-622-3114 or use the Eventbrite box on the event page to register.


We’re here for you! Help is available daily, from 10 am – 5 pm, via:

  • phone – 412-622-3114 (please leave a message and we’ll return your call)
  • email –
  • chat – in the lower right corner of our website, offered Monday through Sunday 10:00am-5:00p

General Reference – library account questions, research requests and more.

Social Services Referrals – information on urgent needs including housing, food and mental health services.

Business Questions – business plans, marketing resources and other business planning and research.

Career Assistance – résumé, cover letter and interview prep.

Digital Literacy Support – for help with computers, or we’ll help you and resources if you are helping others.

eResources Help –find, borrow and read or listen to eBooks, audiobooks, music and more on your device.

Genealogy Inquiries – assistance navigating online sources for researching your family history.

Nonprofit Help – accessing the Foundation Directory Online.

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