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Exploring Perspectives on Marijuana Legalization Through Books

On Wednesday, March 31, 2021, the Library is hosting a virtual event as part of the ‘Hear Me Out’ Dialogue Series. This event, all about marijuana legislation, will feature a speaker and discussion of policy questions and restorative justice approaches to decriminalization.

You can register for this event here! 

Navigating the waters of a polarizing issue like marijuana can be confusing. Perhaps you know exactly where you stand, or you’re confused about where to begin to develop an opinion. If you’re in either camp or anywhere in between, I’ve created a roundup of materials in Library collections that can help you examine your own viewpoint and see new ones!

To browse books on marijuana legislation and policy available in print and via OverDrive/Libby, check out titles on a catalog search I put together.

You’ll find a circumspect title like “Marijuana 360: Differing Perspectives on Legalization” by Nancy Marion alongside titles that rally around a particular opinion. There are also titles that zone in on one element of the marijuana legalization dialogue, like “The Business of Cannabis: New Policies for the New Marijuana Industry” by D.J. Summers.

In our Hoopla digital collections, you will also find a variety of materials published for kids, teens and adults on the topic of marijuana. The bonus here is they are always available for borrowing on your device! Notably, “Marijuana: A Short History” by John Hudak was updated in 2020. At a digestible 286 pages, Hudak’s text tackles nuances and the cultural history of marijuana in a compact volume.

Whether you’re trying to zoom in on one piece of the conversation or understand the broad scope, borrowing a book on a complex topic like marijuana legislation is a great way to escape sound bites and sink into thinking mode. And I always suggest utilizing a nonfiction book’s index if you don’t have time for a cover to cover read. You can search for the words you have questions about and still be immersed in a book instead of a sea of hashtags.

Once you explore these titles, we hope to see you at the event on March 31, 2021 and at other discussion events in the future!

You can sign up for a free library card here. If you are new to our eResources, check out these tutorial videos on how to get started. If you have any additional questions, you can contact a librarian through FacebookInstagram or Twitter. You can also call us at 412.622.3114 or email us at

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