- No events scheduled for March 30, 2025.
Canceled We Learn: Foundations of Mindfulness
CLP - East Liberty 130 S. Whitfield Street, PittsburghCanceled We Learn: Introduction to Music Appreciation
CLP - Carrick 1811 Brownsville Road, PittsburghDigital Skills: Getting Started with Microsoft Excel
CLP - West End 47 Wabash St, PittsburghHow to Generate Client/Marketing Lists
CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, PittsburghWe Learn: Tarot 101 – The History and Basics of Tarot for Self-Development
CLP - Brookline 708 Brookline Boulevard, PittsburghCreative Citizen Studios Art Workshop
CLP - Lawrenceville 279 Fisk Street, PittsburghAssociation of Financial Educators presents Financial Planning – Cashflow and Tax Strategies
CLP - Downtown 612 Smithfield Street, PittsburghOpen Office Hours with Association of Financial Educators
CLP - Downtown 612 Smithfield Street, PittsburghCareer Changes for Federal Employees
CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, PittsburghLivestream: Career Changes for Federal Employees
CLP - Brookline 708 Brookline Boulevard, PittsburghLivestream: Career Changes for Federal Employees
CLP - East Liberty 130 S. Whitfield Street, PittsburghThree Rivers Waterkeeper presents What’s in Pittsburgh’s Rivers?
CLP - Mt. Washington 315 Grandview Avenue, PittsburghWe Learn: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Using Python and R Programming
CLP - East Liberty 130 S. Whitfield Street, PittsburghWe Learn: Italian Intermediate to Advanced – Intermediate Conversation Group
CLP - East Liberty 130 S. Whitfield Street, PittsburghWeek of Events
WORKshop: Career Ready
WORKshop: Career Ready
We are here to help you with getting a resume started, placing the finishing touches on a cover letter, or providing tips on interviewing. This is a no appointment needed drop in session that takes place in the Job & Career Education Center on the 2nd floor at the Main Library.
We Learn: Working With Free Software
We Learn: Working With Free Software
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
Canceled We Learn: Foundations of Mindfulness
Canceled We Learn: Foundations of Mindfulness
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned.
Library Lounge: Movie Matinee
Tuesday Deluxe Edition Book Club
Tuesday Deluxe Edition Book Club
Join us for a lively discussion on Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate. This title is available for checkout in our Catalog and is also be available as an e-book and audiobook through Libby.
Create and Connect: Knit and Crochet
Create and Connect: Knit and Crochet
Join us for knitting and crocheting activities, learn about our resources, and connect with others in the community. You can bring your current project or start a new one with us!
Canceled We Learn: Introduction to Music Appreciation
Canceled We Learn: Introduction to Music Appreciation
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned.
Book Club
Book Club
Join us for a lively discussion on "The Final Revival of Opal & Nev" by Dawnie Walton. This title is available for checkout in our Catalog and may also be available through one of our eResources, including Libby and Hoopla.
Let’s Speak English
Let’s Speak English
Join us to practice your English-speaking skills! You can freely practice with friendly neighbors in this relaxed social group. This group is for English language learners who want to practice with other learners.
Mystery Book Club
Mystery Book Club
Join us for a lively discussion on Blackwater Falls by Ausma Zehanat Khan. This book discussion is a hybrid event. You can join in person in the Director's Office Conference Room on the first floor, or virtually using the link provided in your registration confirmation email. Some copies of the title will be available at … Continued
United Way Free Tax Assistance
United Way Free Tax Assistance
No appointment needed. Walk-ins welcome. No income limit. Meet with a Tax Prep volunteer at the Library. Now you can complete your own tax return using free, online software with support from trained IRS-certified volunteers. This is a good opportunity for tax payers who: Are comfortable using a computer. Have simple tax returns (W-2s, unemployment, … Continued
Library Lounge: Movie Matinee
Digital Skills: Getting Started with Microsoft Excel
Digital Skills: Getting Started with Microsoft Excel
Learn the basics of Excel, the spreadsheet software from Microsoft, which is one of the most commonly used tools for data analysis and visualization. We will review the CIPA and NCIPA legislation and how the library uses filtering to keep minors safe online.
How to Generate Client/Marketing Lists
How to Generate Client/Marketing Lists
In this class we will examine how to locate ideal customers and gather relevant data into a spreadsheet for marketing purposes. This program takes place in the Job & Career Education Center on the 2nd floor.
Digital Skills
Digital Skills
Drop in to learn how to use your tablet, iPad, smartphone, laptop, computer or other devices. At this informal help session you can ask us about your device or the apps and programs installed on it, including Microsoft and Google tools. First come, first served.
Let’s Speak English
Let’s Speak English
Join us to practice your English-speaking skills! You can freely practice with friendly neighbors in this relaxed social group. This group is for English language learners who want to practice with other learners. Takes place in the North Wing Music Room on the second floor of CLP-Main.
Main Zine Collective
Main Zine Collective
We invite you to get creative in designing your zine based on a monthly theme, chat with other zinesters and have your page added to our monthly CLP zine. We'll provide supplies, refreshments and occasionally host a how-to session with zine experts. This program takes place in the Oversized Books Room on the 2nd floor … Continued
Book Club
Book Club
Join us for a lively discussion on She Devils at the Door by Eliza Smith Brown. This title is available for checkout in our Catalog.
We Learn: Tarot 101 – The History and Basics of Tarot for Self-Development
We Learn: Tarot 101 – The History and Basics of Tarot for Self-Development
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
United Way Free Tax Assistance
United Way Free Tax Assistance
No appointment needed. Walk-ins welcome. No income limit. Meet with a Tax Prep volunteer at the Library. Now you can complete your own tax return using free, online software with support from trained IRS-certified volunteers. This is a good opportunity for tax payers who: Are comfortable using a computer. Have simple tax returns (W-2s, unemployment, … Continued
Creative Citizen Studios Art Workshop
Creative Citizen Studios Art Workshop
This interactive arts program is designed for adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities (caregivers welcome). Workshop participants are invited to explore their artistic talents through art history and various art techniques with an art instructor from Creative Citizen Studios. Registration required; experience not necessary. Please inform the library and class instructor of special accommodations prior … Continued
Association of Financial Educators presents Financial Planning – Cashflow and Tax Strategies
Association of Financial Educators presents Financial Planning – Cashflow and Tax Strategies
Learn how to optimize your cashflow. You will learn about debt reduction strategies, Tax Advantaged Accounts, creating a budget, building your assets, and more.
Open Office Hours with Association of Financial Educators
Open Office Hours with Association of Financial Educators
Open office hours to help you with your financial concerns and objectives.
Career Changes for Federal Employees
Career Changes for Federal Employees
In response to recent changes in the federal workforce, "Career Changes for Federal Employees” will cover the resources for job and career support available to federal employees. This program will discuss resources for transitioning to the private sector, finding state and local government positions, becoming a government contractor, unemployment options, and knowing your rights as … Continued
Livestream: Career Changes for Federal Employees
Livestream: Career Changes for Federal Employees
Save the commute and tune in locally from our meeting room to view this livestream together, presented by specialized staff at CLP-Main. See CLP-Main’s event for more information.
Livestream: Career Changes for Federal Employees
Livestream: Career Changes for Federal Employees
Save the commute and tune in locally from our meeting room to view this livestream together, presented by specialized staff at CLP-Main. See CLP-Main’s event for more information.
Meditation with a Monk
Meditation with a Monk
Join us for an hour long meditation program that explores techniques for relaxing the body and calming the mind, while also cultivating mindfulness, loving kindness, and equanimity. No equipment or previous experience required. Come as you are. For Adults.
Three Rivers Waterkeeper presents What’s in Pittsburgh’s Rivers?
Three Rivers Waterkeeper presents What’s in Pittsburgh’s Rivers?
Learn about your local waterways, how to advocate for clean water, and local riparian ecology. Participants will learn how to spot and report water pollution and what makes our rivers and streams so great! This program is for adults.
Library Lounge: Coffee and Conversation
Library Lounge: Coffee and Conversation
Join us for a fun and engaging social program, which takes place in the Director's Office Conference Room on the first floor of CLP-Main. This session the topic will be "How Does Your Garden Grow? (Gardening)."
Let’s Speak English!
Let’s Speak English!
Join us to practice your English-speaking skills! You can freely practice with friendly neighbors in this relaxed social group. This group is for English language learners who want to practice with other learners.
Let’s Read English!
Let’s Read English!
Join us to practice your English-reading skills! We will read and discuss the "The Future of the Flynns" by Andrew Sean Greer short story together. This group is for English language learners who want to practice with other learners.
Neighborworks presents Homebuyers Workshop
Neighborworks presents Homebuyers Workshop
Continental breakfast and lunch provided to all workshop participants. HUD certified counselors will discuss topics such as fair housing, credit, pre- and post- purchase. A lender, realtor, inspector and insurance representative will be present to talk with participants. Recommended for adults. Please Register Here
We Learn: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Using Python and R Programming
We Learn: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Using Python and R Programming
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
We Learn: Italian Intermediate to Advanced – Intermediate Conversation Group
We Learn: Italian Intermediate to Advanced – Intermediate Conversation Group
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
We Learn: Korean – Advanced Level
We Learn: Korean – Advanced Level
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Drop in to learn how to use your tablet, iPad, smartphone, laptop, computer or other devices. At this informal help session you can ask us about your device or the apps and programs installed on it, including Microsoft and Google tools. First come, first served.
Stranger Than Fiction: Nonfiction Book Club
Stranger Than Fiction: Nonfiction Book Club
Join us for a lively discussion on "How to Live, Or, A Life of Montaigne" by Sarah Bakewell. This title is available for checkout in our Catalog and may also be available through one of our eResources, including Libby and Hoopla.
Create and Connect
Create and Connect
Join us for knitting and crocheting activities, learn about our resources, and connect with others in the community. You can bring your current project or start a new one with us!
We Learn: Korean – Intermediate Level
We Learn: Korean – Intermediate Level
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
We Learn: Korean – Beginner Level
We Learn: Korean – Beginner Level
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
Community Scan Day
Community Scan Day
Scan your old photographs, documents, slides, and more for free at Community Scan Day! Staff will teach you how to use a portable scanner to digitize your items at CLP locations. If you’d like to donate digital copies to the CLP Digital Community Collection, a staff member will walk you through the donation process. Appointments … Continued
Book Club
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Drop in to learn how to use your tablet, iPad, smartphone, laptop, computer or other devices. At this informal help session you can ask us about your device or the apps and programs installed on it, including Microsoft and Google tools. First come, first served.