O’Ryan the O’Mazing presents Spectacular Circus Class
CLP - Squirrel Hill 5801 Forbes Avenue, PittsburghCanceled Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
CLP - Mt. Washington 315 Grandview Avenue, PittsburghDisability Rights PA presents Less Restrictive Alternatives to Guardianship for Individuals with Disabilities
Allegheny County Law Library (ACLL) 414 Grant Street City/County Building, Room 921, PittsburghTell Your Story with Guidestar
CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, PittsburghAllegheny County PA Medi Coordinator presents Medicare Help
CLP - Carrick 1811 Brownsville Road, PittsburghAccessible Movie Afternoon
CLP - Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians (LAMP) 4724 Baum Boulevard, PittsburghDuquesne University’s Center for Integrative Health presents Self-Monitoring Blood Pressure Program
CLP - Hazelwood 5006 Second Avenue, PittsburghCareer Counseling with Jewish Family and Community Services (JFCS)
CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, PittsburghCanceled Digital Skills: Computer Basics 1: How to Use a Mouse
CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, PittsburghWe Learn: Intermediate Italian Book & Conversation Group
CLP - East Liberty 130 S. Whitfield Street, PittsburghWe Learn: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Using Python and R Programming
CLP - East Liberty 130 S. Whitfield Street, PittsburghPittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse presents Create & Learn
CLP - Woods Run 1201 Woods Run Avenue, PittsburghMusic @ Main: Jazz LP Listening Session From Our Pittsburgh Collection
CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, PittsburghWeek of Events
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Preschoolers and their caregivers will explore books, songs and rhymes to expand the imagination, inspire self-discovery and develop early literacy skills in this 30-minute program. For children 3 to 5 years and their caregivers. Held in the nonfiction room in the children's department.
Playdate at the Library
Playdate at the Library
Children learn and grow through play! Playdate is a time for families to grow their community, enjoy toys, games and supplies in the children's space and connect with our Children's Services staff. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Music at Main: Gadget Playground
Music at Main: Gadget Playground
Explore our musical gadgets and share your skills with fellow electronic music enthusiasts! This program takes place in the North Wing Music Room.
O’Ryan the O’Mazing presents Spectacular Circus Class
O’Ryan the O’Mazing presents Spectacular Circus Class
In this class, Pittsburgh's favorite clown, O'Ryan the O'Mazing, teaches kids the basic circus skills. Learn how to balance, juggle, spin a plate, play a character, and make an audience laugh.
Canceled Storytime: Family Fun
Canceled Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Canceled Creative Citizen Studios Art Workshop
Canceled Creative Citizen Studios Art Workshop
This interactive arts program is designed for adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities (caregivers welcome). Workshop participants are invited to explore their artistic talents through art history and various art techniques with an art instructor from Creative Citizen Studios. Registration required; experience not necessary. Please inform the library and class instructor of special accommodations prior … Continued
Canceled Storytime: Family Fun
Canceled Storytime: Family Fun
Preschoolers and their caregivers will explore books, songs and rhymes to expand the imagination, inspire self-discovery and develop early literacy skills in this 30 minute program. For children ages 3 to 5 years and their caregivers.
Canceled Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
Canceled Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
Explore action rhymes, songs and stories in this 20-30 minute program. Young children and adults will engage in language activities, books and reading, and creative play in a positive atmosphere. For children birth to 36 months and their caregivers.
Canceled Storytime: Family Fun
Canceled Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
We are here to help you with getting a resume started, placing the finishing touches on a cover letter, or providing a refresher on digital skills. This program takes place in the Job & Career Education Center on the 2nd floor.
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Preschoolers and their caregivers will exlplore books, songs and rhymes to expand the imagination, inspire self-discovery and develop early literacyskills in this 30-minute program. For children 3 to 5 years and their caregivers. Held in the nonfiction room in the children's department.
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Preschoolers and their caregivers will explore books, songs and rhymes to expand the imagination, inspire self-discovery and develop early literacy skills in this 30 minute program. For children ages 3 to 5 years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Disability Rights PA presents Less Restrictive Alternatives to Guardianship for Individuals with Disabilities
Disability Rights PA presents Less Restrictive Alternatives to Guardianship for Individuals with Disabilities
Attendees will learn about alternatives to guardianship for people with disabilities, as well as about their rights under Act 61 of 2023, Pennsylvania’s newly passed guardianship reform bill. Funding for this training under Disability Rights Pennsylvania's Ensuring Allegheny County Seniors with Disabilities are Not Subject to Abuse, Neglect or Civil Rights Violations Project was provided … Continued
County Services Resource Fair
County Services Resource Fair
Join the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD), Allegheny County Department of Human Services (ACDHS) and other community providers as they provide Narcan along with substance use and treatment information from local organizations. Participating organizations may include ACHD Overdose Prevention, ACHD Housing Program, DHS Drug & Alcohol, JADE Wellness, Three Rivers Youth, Positive Pathways, AHN Perinatal HOPE … Continued
Book Club
Book Club
Join us for a lively book discussion on The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon This title is available for checkout in our Catalog, and also as an eBook on Hoopla and as an eAudio on Hoopla.
Library Lounge: Movie Matinee – Back to Black
Digital Skills: Android Device Basics
Digital Skills: Android Device Basics
Learn how to navigate and get the most out of a phone or tablet using Android, Google’s popular operating system that is used by most device manufacturers other than Apple. We will review the CIPA and NCIPA legislation and how the library uses filtering to keep minors safe online.
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Drop in and learn how to use your tablet, iPad, smartphone, laptop computer or other digital device. At this informal help session, you can ask us about your device or the apps and programs installed on it, including Microsoft and Google tools. We will review the CIPA and NCIPA legislation and how the library uses … Continued
Tell Your Story with Guidestar
Tell Your Story with Guidestar
Learn what your nonprofit's Candid profile is and how you can earn Seals of Transparency associated with that profile to tell your story and gain more visibility so that donors can find you. Attendees are welcome to join in-person, which takes place in the Job & Career Education Center on the 2nd floor, or virtually … Continued
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Preschoolers and their caregivers will explore books, songs and rhymes to expand the imagination, inspire self-discovery and develop early literacy skills in this 30 minute program. For children ages 3 to 5 years and their caregivers.
Kids Choice
Kids Choice
Choose your own adventure! Continue a Kids Club activity; explore the supplies, toys and games in the children's space; or teach other kids something you love. Children's Services staff will be there to support you. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Choice
Teen Choice
Join us for Teen Choice where you can choose your own creative adventure! Teen Choice is a time to continue working on the activity from the previous week’s Teen Time; explore something new using the supplies and games on hand in the Teenspace; or sharing your passion and teaching other teens about something you love. … Continued
Squonk presents Squonking in the Library Part 1
Squonk presents Squonking in the Library Part 1
Join us for a lively workshop where young minds will learn the joy of musical expression! Through rhythmic games, instrument building and sound connection, you'll experience making music with Squonkers Lindsay Herring and T-Funk Tony Thomas. Join us and see, music is everywhere! For ages 6 - 13.
Kids Choice
Kids Choice
Choose your own adventure! Continue a Kids Club activity; explore the supplies, toys and games in the children's space; or teach other kids something you love. Children's Services staff will be there to support you. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Kids Choice
Kids Choice
Choose your own adventure! Continue a Kids Club activity; explore the supplies, toys and games in the children's space; or teach other kids something you love. Children's Services staff will be there to support you. For kids in grades K-5.
Library Lounge: Knit & Crochet
Library Lounge: Knit & Crochet
Join our Crochet & Knitting Group. We are a group of friendly crochet and knitting fans, looking to teach and learn from other friendly crafters. Bring your current projects or start a new one!
ProjectArt Pittsburgh Squirrel Hill Ages 8-12
ProjectArt Pittsburgh Squirrel Hill Ages 8-12
ProjectArt’s free classes run from September - May. Materials are provided for all students ages 4-18; 8-12, or 13-18. Local, professional artists teach classes aligned with the National Arts Education Association standards and are informed by the teaching artist's creative practice. ProjectArt classes are fun, imaginative and cultivate a love of learning. Enrollment is ongoing … Continued
ProjectArt Pittsburgh Allegheny Ages 4-7
ProjectArt Pittsburgh Allegheny Ages 4-7
ProjectArt’s free classes run from September - May. Materials are provided for all students ages 4-18; 8-12, or 13-18. Local, professional artists teach classes aligned with the National Arts Education Association standards and are informed by the teaching artist's creative practice. ProjectArt classes are fun, imaginative and cultivate a love of learning. Enrollment is ongoing … Continued
Allegheny County PA Medi Coordinator presents Medicare Help
Allegheny County PA Medi Coordinator presents Medicare Help
PA Medi assists Medicare beneficiaries and/or caregivers understand the complex coordination of the healthcare system regarding coverage and benefits. We also screen individuals to make sure they are not missing any cost savings programs available in Pennsylvania for their health coverage and prescription coverage needs. Registration appreciated, walk-ins welcome.
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Mystery Book Club
Mystery Book Club
Join us once a month for book discussions as compelling as the mysteries we read! January's discussion will be a Book Tasting! Bring a favorite mystery to recommend to the group. Note: This book discussion is a hybrid event. Attendees are welcome to join in-person, which takes place in the Director’s Conference Room on the … Continued
Book Club
Book Club
Join us for a lively book discussion on Beartown by Fredrik Backman This title is available for checkout in our Catalog, and also as an eBook on Hoopla and as an eAudio on Hoopla.
Pajama Storytime
Pajama Storytime
Cuddle up with 30 minutes of stories, songs and action rhymes that develop early literacy skills in children ages birth to five years. Pajamas optional! For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Library Lounge: Coffee, Conversation, Create
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Library Lounge: Movie Matinee
Three Rivers Readers Book Club
Three Rivers Readers Book Club
The Three Rivers Readers is designed to explore the role Pittsburgh plays in our collective literary culture. We will explore numerous genres from a variety of writers. Memoirs, plays, poetry, photobooks and novels are all part of this group. The main thread is Pittsburgh. This month we will be discussing Sidle Creek Stories by Jolene … Continued
Accessible Movie Afternoon
Accessible Movie Afternoon
Please join us for an audio described movie afternoon! Refreshments will be provided.
Small Business Research
Small Business Research
This program is an overview of the small business resources that are available. The overview will show you how to view sample business plans, industry reports, and demographics. This class takes place in the Job & Career Education Center on the second floor of CLP-Main Library.
Book Club
Book Club
Join us for a lively book discussion of If Something Happens to Me by Alex Finlay. This title is available for checkout in our Catalog and as an eBook and eAudio on Libby.
Duquesne University’s Center for Integrative Health presents Self-Monitoring Blood Pressure Program
Duquesne University’s Center for Integrative Health presents Self-Monitoring Blood Pressure Program
Duquesne University's Center for Integrative Health, in partnership with the Carnegie Library in Hazelwood and the American Heart Association, is proud to offer Hazelwood residents the opportunity to attend a free, in-person Self-Monitoring Blood Pressure Program. Sponsored by the American Heart Association, the Self-Monitoring Blood Pressure Program is an evidence-based hypertension management program which introduces … Continued
Book Club
Book Club
Join us for a lively book discussion on Remarkably Bright Creatures, by Shelby Van Pelt This title is available for checkout in our Catalog, and also as an eBook on Hoopla and as an eAudio on Hoopla.
Teen Choice
Teen Choice
Join us for Teen Choice where you can choose your own creative adventure! Teen Choice is a time to continue working on the activity from the previous week’s Teen Time; explore something new using the supplies and games on hand in the Teenspace; or sharing your passion and teaching other teens about something you love. … Continued
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Teen Choice
Teen Choice
Join us for Teen Choice where you can choose your own creative adventure! Teen Choice is a time to continue working on the activity from the previous week’s Teen Time; explore something new using the supplies and games on hand in the Teenspace; or sharing your passion and teaching other teens about something you love. … Continued
Kids Choice
Kids Choice
Choose your own adventure! Continue a Kids Club activity; explore the supplies, toys and games in the children's space; or teach other kids something you love. Children's Services staff will be there to support you. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Kids Choice
Kids Choice
Choose your own adventure! Continue a Kids Club activity; explore the supplies, toys and games in the children's space; or teach other kids something you love. Children's Services staff will be there to support you. For kids in grades K-5.
Super Science
Super Science
Get curious! At Super Science, kids in K-5th grade will have a chance to get excited about a science topic. A read aloud is paired with hands-on, high quality STEM activities promoting scientific inquiry and wonder about science. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
ProjectArt Pittsburgh Allegheny Ages 8-12
ProjectArt Pittsburgh Allegheny Ages 8-12
ProjectArt’s free classes run from September - May. Materials are provided for all students ages 4-18; 8-12, or 13-18. Local, professional artists teach classes aligned with the National Arts Education Association standards and are informed by the teaching artist's creative practice. ProjectArt classes are fun, imaginative and cultivate a love of learning. Enrollment is ongoing … Continued
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Pajama Storytime
Pajama Storytime
Cuddle up with 30 minutes of stories, songs and action rhymes that develop early literacy skills in children ages birth to five years. Pajamas optional! For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Let’s Speak English
Let’s Speak English
This is a relaxed, social discussion group where participants can freely practice their English-speaking skills with friendly neighbors. For English language learners looking to practice with other learners. This program will take place in the North Wing Reading Room.
Main Zine Collective
Main Zine Collective
We invite you to get creative in designing your zine based on a monthly theme, chat with other zinesters and have your page added to our monthly CLP zine. We'll provide supplies, refreshments and occasionally host a how-to session with zine experts. This program takes place in the Oversized Books Room on the 2nd floor. … Continued
Book Club
Book Club
Join us for a lively book discussion of The Swimmers by Julie Otsuka This title is available for checkout in our Catalog, and also as an eBook on Hoopla and as an eAudio on Hoopla.
Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
Explore action rhymes, songs and stories in this 20-30 minute program. Young children and adults will engage in language activities, books and reading, and creative play in a positive atmosphere. For children birth to 36 months and their caregivers.
Career Counseling with Jewish Family and Community Services (JFCS)
Career Counseling with Jewish Family and Community Services (JFCS)
Career counselors from Jewish Family and Community Services (JFCS) will be at Main Library to give their expert guidance and provide personal attention every step of the way. Whether you are seeking employment or a career change, they will help you to explore your options, define your objectives and develop the strategy and tools required … Continued
Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
Explore action rhymes, songs and stories in this 20-30 minute program. Young children and adults will engage in language activities, books and reading, and creative play in a positive atmosphere. For children birth to 36 months and their caregivers.
Creative Citizen Studios Art Workshop
Creative Citizen Studios Art Workshop
This interactive arts program is designed for adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities (caregivers welcome). Workshop participants are invited to explore their artistic talents through art history and various art techniques with an art instructor from Creative Citizen Studios. Registration required; experience not necessary. Please inform the library and class instructor of special accommodations prior … Continued
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Preschoolers and their caregivers will explore books, songs and rhymes to expand the imagination, inspire self-discovery and develop early literacy skills in this 30 minute program. For children ages 3 to 5 years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
Explore action rhymes, songs and stories in this 20-30 minute program. Young children and adults will engage in language activities, books and reading, and creative play in a positive atmosphere. For children birth to 36 months and their caregivers.
Book Club
Book Club
Join us for a lively book discussion of Horse by Geraldine Brooks. This title is available for checkout in our Catalog, and also as an eBook and eAudio on Libby.
Canceled Digital Skills: Computer Basics 1: How to Use a Mouse
Canceled Digital Skills: Computer Basics 1: How to Use a Mouse
Join us for this beginner class where you will learn about the computer and how to use the mouse to interact with it. This is the first class in our Computer Basics Series and appropriate for anyone who has never used a computer. We will review the CIPA and NCIPA legislation and how the library … Continued
Kids Choice
Kids Choice
Choose your own adventure! Continue a Kids Club activity; explore the supplies, toys and games in the children's space; or teach other kids something you love. Children's Services staff will be there to support you. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Super Science
Super Science
Get curious! At Super Science, kids in K-5th grade will have a chance to get excited about a science topic. A read aloud is paired with hands-on, high quality STEM activities promoting scientific inquiry and wonder about science. For kids in grades K-5.
Kids Choice
Kids Choice
Choose your own adventure! Continue a Kids Club activity; explore the supplies, toys and games in the children's space; or teach other kids something you love. Children's Services staff will be there to support you. For kids in grades K-5.
ProjectArt Pittsburgh Squirrel Hill Ages 4-7
ProjectArt Pittsburgh Squirrel Hill Ages 4-7
ProjectArt’s free classes run from September - May. Materials are provided for all students ages 4-18; 8-12, or 13-18. Local, professional artists teach classes aligned with the National Arts Education Association standards and are informed by the teaching artist's creative practice. ProjectArt classes are fun, imaginative and cultivate a love of learning. Enrollment is ongoing … Continued
Kids Choice
Kids Choice
Choose your own adventure! Continue a Kids Club activity; explore the supplies, toys and games in the children's space; or teach other kids something you love. Children's Services staff will be there to support you. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Choice
Teen Choice
Join us for Teen Choice where you can choose your own creative adventure! Teen Choice is a time to continue working on the activity from the previous week’s Teen Time; explore something new using the supplies and games on hand in the Teenspace; or sharing your passion and teaching other teens about something you love. … Continued
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Canceled Storytime: Family Fun
Canceled Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Page Turners Book Club
Page Turners Book Club
Join us once a month for discussions just as compelling as our page turning books! January's discussion will be on This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub. This title is available for checkout in our Catalog. Note: This book discussion is a hybrid event. Attendees are welcome to join in-person, which takes place in the Director’s Conference … Continued
ProjectArt Pittsburgh Squirrel Hill Ages 13-18
ProjectArt Pittsburgh Squirrel Hill Ages 13-18
ProjectArt’s free classes run from September - May. Materials are provided for all students ages 4-18; 8-12, or 13-18. Local, professional artists teach classes aligned with the National Arts Education Association standards and are informed by the teaching artist's creative practice. ProjectArt classes are fun, imaginative and cultivate a love of learning. Enrollment is ongoing … Continued
Meditation with a Monk
Meditation with a Monk
Join us for an hour long meditation program that explores techniques for relaxing the body and calming the mind, while also cultivating mindfulness, loving kindness, and equanimity. No equipment or previous experience required. Come as you are. For Adults.
Canceled Cookbook Club
Canceled Cookbook Club
Join us for a new cookbook club with the Library! At select CLP locations, we will talk cookbooks, share stories and cultures and explore all things culinary. In January, we'll celebrate noodles (and their cousins: dumplings) from all over the world. This program will take place in Classroom A.
Playdate at the Library
Playdate at the Library
Children learn and grow through family play! Playdate is a time for families to grow their community; enjoy toys, games and supplies in the children's space; and connect with Children's Services staff. For children birth to 5 years and their caregivers.
Coffee + Connect
Coffee + Connect
Join us to enjoy some coffee and snacks and meet a representative from a local community organization to learn more about their services.
Little Artists
Little Artists
Children learn and grow through art! Little Artists is a sensory experience for young children and their caregivers and a time to explore colors, shapes, textures, and materials. To encourage open experimentation and self-expression, this program focuses on the process of creation rather than the finished product. Exploration can get messy, so dress accordingly. For children ages birth … Continued
Let’s Speak English!
Let’s Speak English!
A relaxed, social discussion group where participants can freely practice their English-speaking skills with friendly neighbors. The group is for English language learners looking to practice with other learners.
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
Playdate at the Library
Playdate at the Library
Children learn and grow through play! Playdate is a time for families to grow their community, enjoy toys, games and supplies in the children's space and connect with our Children's Services staff. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Book Club
Book Club
Join us for a lively book discussion on The Widows of Malabar Hill by Sujata Massey. This title is available for checkout in our Catalog, and also as an eBook on Hoopla and as an eAudio on Hoopla.
We Learn: Intermediate Italian Book & Conversation Group
We Learn: Intermediate Italian Book & Conversation Group
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
We Learn: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Using Python and R Programming
We Learn: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Using Python and R Programming
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
Canceled Animal Friends Therapet Visit
Canceled Animal Friends Therapet Visit
Come by the location to visit with a certified Therapet! These pets have undergone special training to provide comfort and affection, and are certified through Animal Friends’ Therapets program. All ages are welcome. Animal Friends has lots of programs for families, youth and educators. Check out their other programs here https://www.thinkingoutsidethecage.org/our-programs/for-kids-and-teens/
We Learn: Korean – Advanced Level
We Learn: Korean – Advanced Level
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. This program takes place in Classroom A. Click here to register on … Continued
Super Science
Super Science
Get curious! At Super Science, kids in K-5th grade will have a chance to get excited about a science topic. A read aloud is paired with hands-on, high quality STEM activities promoting scientific inquiry and wonder about science. For kids in grades K-5.
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse presents Create & Learn
Pittsburgh Center for Creative Reuse presents Create & Learn
Flex your creativity and resourcefulness with Creative Reuse! Explore an array of unique reused materials and learn how to create beautiful works of art, craft projects, and anything you can dream up while saving useful materials from the landfill.
Cookbook Club
Cookbook Club
Join us for a new cookbook club with the Library! At select CLP Locations, we will talk cookbooks, share stories and cultures, and explore all things culinary. This month's theme is Leftovers
We Learn: Korean – Intermediate Level
We Learn: Korean – Intermediate Level
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. This program takes place in Classroom A. Click here to register on … Continued
Library Lounge: Tabletop Gaming
Library Lounge: Tabletop Gaming
Come join us for an afternoon full of board games! We have a large game collection on site, and you are also welcome to bring your own. Several of our games also have Spanish-language rulebooks available.
We Learn: Korean – Beginner Level
We Learn: Korean – Beginner Level
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. This program takes place in Classroom A. Click here to register on … Continued
Library Lounge
Library Lounge
Join us for a fun and engaging social program on 3D Snow Flake Craft. Activities vary and could include a movie, craft or game.
Super Science
Super Science
Get curious! At Super Science, kids in K-5th grade will have a chance to get excited about a science topic. A read aloud is paired with hands-on, high quality STEM activities promoting scientific inquiry and wonder about science. For kids in grades K-5.
Space Chips Die Cut How-To with Dick Esterle
Space Chips Die Cut How-To with Dick Esterle
Space Chips Die Cut is a simple make and take system of slot-together, flat pieces of up-cycled die-cut cardboard triangles, squares and pentagons with equal length edge-slots around their perimeter that connect with each other. Learn more with Dick Esterle in this fun hands-on workshop!
Book Club
Book Club
Help us choose what to read next and then join us for a lively book discussion! Note: This is a hybrid event. Attendees are welcome to join in-person or virtually by registering below and using the the link provided in your RSVP confirmation email.
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Drop in and learn how to use your tablet, iPad, smartphone, laptop computer or other digital device. At this informal help session, you can ask us about your device or the apps and programs installed on it, including Microsoft and Google tools. We will review the CIPA and NCIPA legislation and how the library uses … Continued
Teen Choice
Teen Choice
Join us for Teen Choice where you can choose your own creative adventure! Teen Choice is a time to continue working on the activity from the previous week’s Teen Time; explore something new using the supplies and games on hand in the Teenspace; or sharing your passion and teaching other teens about something you love. … Continued
Archives & Special Collections Treasures
Archives & Special Collections Treasures
Learn more about CLP’s Archives and Special Collections, all of which are open to all researchers! We’ll share some of our favorite treasures, teach visitors the best way to handle these unique items, and how to request to use them. This program takes place on the 3rd floor.
Music @ Main: Jazz LP Listening Session From Our Pittsburgh Collection
Music @ Main: Jazz LP Listening Session From Our Pittsburgh Collection
Enjoy choice cuts from the deep legacy of Pittsburgh jazz greats—those who went abroad and those who stayed local. This program takes place in the North Wing Music Room on the second floor of CLP-Main.
Let’s Speak English
Let’s Speak English
This is a relaxed, social discussion group where participants can freely practice their English-speaking skills with friendly neighbors. For English language learners looking to practice with other learners.
Book Club
Book Club
Join us for a lively book discussion on The Personal Librarian by Heather Terrell This title is available for checkout in our Catalog, and also as an eBook on Hoopla and as an eAudio on Hoopla.