International Poetry Forum Presents: Poetry Reading with Sam Hazo
CLP - Main (Oakland) Lecture Hall 4400 Forbes Avenue, PittsburghThe Disability Vote Matters
Allegheny County Law Library (ACLL) 414 Grant Street City/County Building, Room 921, PittsburghUniversity of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System Presents Misinformation Escape Room & Discussion
CLP - South Side 2205 East Carson Street, PittsburghThe PEAL Center Presents Special Education: What Families Need to Know
CLP - Lawrenceville 279 Fisk Street, PittsburghMovie Night with the League: Election Integrity in PA
CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, PittsburghDigital Skills: Getting Started with Microsoft Word
CLP - Hill District 2177 Centre Avenue, PittsburghCMU Presents What is AI and G-AI?
CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, PittsburghPittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium Presents One Degree of Change
CLP - Homewood 7101 Hamilton Ave, PittsburghNavigating and Understanding Pennsylvania Courts
CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, PittsburghCreative Citizen Studios Presents Art Workshops
CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, PittsburghHarris Agency Presents Understanding Medicare Parts A, B, C, D
CLP - Brookline 708 Brookline Boulevard, PittsburghSelf-Advocates United as 1 Presents All About Wellness
CLP - Knoxville 400 Brownsville Rd, PittsburghUniversity of Pittsburgh Disinformation Lab Presents #FakeNews: Making Sense of Digital Media in the Era of Mis/Disinformation and Clickbait
CLP - West End 47 Wabash St, PittsburghHarris Agency Presents Understanding Medicare Parts A, B, C, D
CLP - Carrick 1811 Brownsville Road, PittsburghThree Rivers Waterkeeper and Watersheds of South Pittsburgh Presents Be A Water Advocate for Your Community!
CLP - Beechview 1910 Broadway Avenue, PittsburghWeek of Events
Playdate at the Library
Playdate at the Library
Children learn and grow through play! Playdate is a time for families to grow their community, enjoy toys, games and supplies in the children's space and connect with our Children's Services staff. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
International Poetry Forum Presents: Poetry Reading with Sam Hazo
International Poetry Forum Presents: Poetry Reading with Sam Hazo
Samuel Hazo, inaugural Poet Laureate of Pennsylvania and founder of the International Poetry Forum, will offer a poetry reading at the Carnegie Library Lecture Hall. The reading will celebrate the relaunch of the International Poetry Forum, a nonprofit organization which Hazo led for 43 years (1966–2009) as host to poets and public figures such as Seamus … Continued
Grant Writing Bootcamp
Grant Writing Bootcamp
Join us for a comprehensive Grant Writing Bootcamp led by the esteemed Maureen Ryan. This intensive workshop is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to craft successful grant proposals. Whether you're a novice or experienced grant writer, Maureen's expertise will guide you through the intricacies of grant writing, providing valuable insights … Continued
Creative Citizen Studios Art Workshop
Creative Citizen Studios Art Workshop
This interactive arts program is designed for adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities (caregivers welcome). Workshop participants are invited to explore their artistic talents through art history and various art techniques with an art instructor from Creative Citizen Studios. Registration required; experience not necessary. Please inform the library and class instructor of special accommodations prior … Continued
Creative Citizen Studios Art Workshop
Creative Citizen Studios Art Workshop
This interactive arts program is designed for adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities (caregivers welcome). Workshop participants are invited to explore their artistic talents through art history and various art techniques with an art instructor from Creative Citizen Studios. Registration required; experience not necessary. Please inform the library and class instructor of special accommodations prior … Continued
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
Explore action rhymes, songs and stories in this 20-30 minute program. Young children and adults will engage in language activities, books and reading, and creative play in a positive atmosphere. For children birth to 36 months and their caregivers.
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
We are here to help you with getting a resume started, placing the finishing touches on a cover letter, or providing a refresher on digital skills. This program takes place in the Job & Career Education Center on the 2nd floor.
Mad Science Presents Dinosaurs
Mad Science Presents Dinosaurs
Investigating the habits, needs and characteristics of dinosaurs leads to the exploration of the fossilization process. Students will find out how big dinosaurs really were and make a cast of a dinosaur tooth.
Library Lounge
Library Lounge
Join us for a fun and engaging social program. Activities vary and could include a movie, craft or game.
Canceled Storytime: Family Fun
Canceled Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Preschoolers and their caregivers will explore books, songs and rhymes to expand the imagination, inspire self-discovery and develop early literacy skills in this 30 minute program. For children ages 3 to 5 years and their caregivers.
Library Lounge: Movie Matinee
The Disability Vote Matters
The Disability Vote Matters
Attendees will learn their rights and about accommodations available to people with disabilities for mail in voting, in person voting, and what to do if they encounter accessibility issues. This program takes place at the Allegheny County Law Library (Registration recommended) and virtually through Microsoft Teams (Registration required). The link to join the livestream will … Continued
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Preschoolers and their caregivers will explore books, songs and rhymes to expand the imagination, inspire self-discovery and develop early literacy skills in this 30 minute program. For children ages 3 to 5 years and their caregivers.
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Choice
Teen Choice
Join us for Teen Choice where you can choose your own creative adventure! Teen Choice is a time to continue working on the activity from the previous week’s Teen Time; explore something new using the supplies and games on hand in the Teenspace; or sharing your passion and teaching other teens about something you love. No matter … Continued
Kids Choice
Kids Choice
Choose your own adventure! Continue a Kids Club activity; explore the supplies, toys and games in the children's space; or teach other kids something you love. Children's Services staff will be there to support you. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Kids Choice
Kids Choice
Choose your own adventure! Continue a Kids Club activity; explore the supplies, toys and games in the children's space; or teach other kids something you love. Children's Services staff will be there to support you. For kids in grades K-5.
Library Lounge: Knit & Crochet
Library Lounge: Knit & Crochet
Join our Crochet & Knitting Group. We are a group of friendly crochet and knitting fans, looking to teach and learn from other friendly crafters. Bring your current projects or start a new one!
Teen Choice
Teen Choice
Join us for Teen Choice where you can choose your own creative adventure! Teen Choice is a time to continue working on the activity from the previous week’s Teen Time; explore something new using the supplies and games on hand in the Teenspace; or sharing your passion and teaching other teens about something you love. No matter … Continued
University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System Presents Misinformation Escape Room & Discussion
University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Library System Presents Misinformation Escape Room & Discussion
Test your skills at identifying AI-generated images, identifying headline bias, and more as you play through a misinformation-themed escape room. A discussion to reflect on the experience will follow.
The PEAL Center Presents Special Education: What Families Need to Know
The PEAL Center Presents Special Education: What Families Need to Know
Join us for an overview of Special Education-IEP and 504 Plans for families. This session will provide basic information about special education rights and answer questions that families may have about the process.
Movie Night with the League: Election Integrity in PA
Movie Night with the League: Election Integrity in PA
The stakes are high in elections, and Pennsylvania is a key battleground state. Come learn about all the steps, before, during, and after the election that safeguard your ballot, whether in-person or by mail. We will guide you to reliable sources and view some important videos that explain the “Journey of Your Election Ballot,” from … Continued
Digital Skills: Getting Started with Microsoft Word
Digital Skills: Getting Started with Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word is one of the most common tools that people use for writing, editing, and publishing documents on a computer. Learn the basics of Word in this workshop. We will review the CIPA and NCIPA legislation and how the library uses filtering to keep minors safe online.
CMU Presents What is AI and G-AI?
CMU Presents What is AI and G-AI?
Join us for this informative session with CMU’s NSF-funded AI Institute for Societal Decision Making (AI-SDM) as they share an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Generative AI. If you have ever wondered about the advances of computer intelligence and the current trends, this program is for you. Presenter Roni Rosenfeld from Carnegie Mellon University's Machine … Continued
Fall Book Buzz
Fall Book Buzz
CLP’s Collection Development Team will share a sneak peek of what you’ll see on library shelves this Fall. Registration is required for this virtual program — the link to join the Teams meeting will be included in the confirmation email. New to using Microsoft Teams? Learn how to join a meeting from your browser here
Library Lounge: Movie Matinee
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Smithfield Critics Book Discussion Group
Smithfield Critics Book Discussion Group
Join us for a lively book discussion of Differ We Must: How Lincoln Succeeded in a Divided America by Steve Inskeep. This title is available for checkout in our Catalog.
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Drop in and learn how to use your tablet, iPad, smartphone, laptop computer or other digital device. At this informal help session, you can ask us about your device or the apps and programs installed on it, including Microsoft and Google tools. We will review the CIPA and NCIPA legislation and how the library uses … Continued
Teen Choice
Teen Choice
Join us for Teen Choice where you can choose your own creative adventure! Teen Choice is a time to continue working on the activity from the previous week’s Teen Time; explore something new using the supplies and games on hand in the Teenspace; or sharing your passion and teaching other teens about something you love. No matter … Continued
Cover Letter Writing
Cover Letter Writing
Get that interview by learning how to write a meaningful and compelling cover letter. This program takes place in the Job & Career Education Center on the 2nd floor.
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Choice
Teen Choice
Join us for Teen Choice where you can choose your own creative adventure! Teen Choice is a time to continue working on the activity from the previous week’s Teen Time; explore something new using the supplies and games on hand in the Teenspace; or sharing your passion and teaching other teens about something you love. No matter … Continued
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Choice
Teen Choice
Join us for Teen Choice where you can choose your own creative adventure! Teen Choice is a time to continue working on the activity from the previous week’s Teen Time; explore something new using the supplies and games on hand in the Teenspace; or sharing your passion and teaching other teens about something you love. No matter … Continued
Teen Choice
Teen Choice
Join us for Teen Choice where you can choose your own creative adventure! Teen Choice is a time to continue working on the activity from the previous week’s Teen Time; explore something new using the supplies and games on hand in the Teenspace; or sharing your passion and teaching other teens about something you love. No matter … Continued
Kids Choice
Kids Choice
Choose your own adventure! Continue a Kids Club activity; explore the supplies, toys and games in the children's space; or teach other kids something you love. Children's Services staff will be there to support you. For kids in grades K-5.
Kids Choice
Kids Choice
Choose your own adventure! Continue a Kids Club activity; explore the supplies, toys and games in the children's space; or teach other kids something you love. Children's Services staff will be there to support you. For kids in grades K-5.
Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium Presents One Degree of Change
Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium Presents One Degree of Change
Learn about the causes and effects of climate change, including individual actions, how it impacts animals throughout the world, and how to create positive environmental change. We’ll discuss Zoo conservation programs and present live animals.
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
Super Science
Super Science
Get curious! At Super Science, kids in K-5th grade will have a chance to get excited about a science topic. A read aloud is paired with hands-on, high quality STEM activities promoting scientific inquiry and wonder about science. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Choice
Teen Choice
Join us for Teen Choice where you can choose your own creative adventure! Teen Choice is a time to continue working on the activity from the previous week’s Teen Time; explore something new using the supplies and games on hand in the Teenspace; or sharing your passion and teaching other teens about something you love. No matter … Continued
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Navigating and Understanding Pennsylvania Courts
Navigating and Understanding Pennsylvania Courts
Join Allegheny County Law Library in partnership with Pennsylvanians for Modern courts to learn about the purpose and procedures of the courts in Pennsylvania’s Judicial System. Participants will hear from a Pennsylvania judge and discuss the different subject matters of each court, knowing your way around the courtroom, how judges are selected, and how you … Continued
Let’s Speak English!
Let’s Speak English!
Join us for a relaxed, social discussion group where participants can freely practice their English-speaking skills with friendly neighbors. This program takes place in the North Wing Music Room on the 2nd floor.
Library Lounge: Crafting
Job Search/Resume: Build Your Best Resume
Job Search/Resume: Build Your Best Resume
This class will cover the main sections of a resume, teach patrons about how to overcome applicant tracking systems (ATS), and provide some sample and “bad” resumes to help illustrate what’s been covered.
Book Club
Book Club
Join us for a lively book discussion on After Annie by Anna Quindlen. This title is available for checkout in our Catalog, and also as an eBook on Hoopla and as an eAudio on Hoopla.
Let’s Speak English
Let’s Speak English
This is a relaxed, social discussion group where participants can freely practice their English-speaking skills with friendly neighbors. For English language learners looking to practice with other learners.
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Preschoolers and their caregivers will explore books, songs and rhymes to expand the imagination, inspire self-discovery and develop early literacy skills in this 30 minute program. For children ages 3 to 5 years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Storytime: Preschool Pals
Preschoolers and their caregivers will explore books, songs and rhymes to expand the imagination, inspire self-discovery and develop early literacy skills in this 30 minute program. For children ages 3 to 5 years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
Explore action rhymes, songs and stories in this 20-30 minute program. Young children and adults will engage in language activities, books and reading, and creative play in a positive atmosphere. For children birth to 36 months and their caregivers.
Creative Citizen Studios Presents Art Workshops
Creative Citizen Studios Presents Art Workshops
This interactive arts program is designed for adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities (caregivers welcome). Workshop participants are invited to explore their artistic talents through art history and various art techniques with an art instructor from Creative Citizen Studios. Registration required; experience not necessary. Please inform the library and class instructor of special accommodations prior … Continued
Book Club
Computer Basics: Access the Internet
Computer Basics: Access the Internet
In this final class in our Computer Basic Series, learn how to access the internet from a computer and practice the basics of finding information online. This program takes place in the Job & Career Education Center on the 2nd floor.
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
Teen Choice
Teen Choice
Join us for Teen Choice where you can choose your own creative adventure! Teen Choice is a time to continue working on the activity from the previous week’s Teen Time; explore something new using the supplies and games on hand in the Teenspace; or sharing your passion and teaching other teens about something you love. No matter … Continued
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
Kids Choice
Kids Choice
Choose your own adventure! Continue a Kids Club activity; explore the supplies, toys and games in the children's space; or teach other kids something you love. Children's Services staff will be there to support you. For kids in grades K-5.
Harris Agency Presents Understanding Medicare Parts A, B, C, D
Harris Agency Presents Understanding Medicare Parts A, B, C, D
Join the Harris Agency for a 30-minute presentation on understanding Medicare Parts A B C D with an additional 30 minutes for questions and answers. The program will break down Medicare in a fun and easy way.
Canceled Teen Choice
Canceled Teen Choice
Join us for Teen Choice where you can choose your own creative adventure! Teen Choice is a time to continue working on the activity from the previous week’s Teen Time; explore something new using the supplies and games on hand in the Teenspace; or sharing your passion and teaching other teens about something you love. No matter … Continued
Self-Advocates United as 1 Presents All About Wellness
Self-Advocates United as 1 Presents All About Wellness
We will talk about stress and the connection to health and well-being. We talk about your OK Zone, coping skills, and planning for emotional, physical, and environmental wellness. (Event includes take home lifecourse tools.)
Storytime: Family Fun
Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Meditation with a Monk
Meditation with a Monk
Join us for an hour long meditation program that explores techniques for relaxing the body and calming the mind, while also cultivating mindfulness, loving kindness, and equanimity. No equipment or previous experience required. Come as you are. For Adults.
Library Lounge: Movie Night
CLP Virtual Book Club
CLP Virtual Book Club
Join us for a lively book discussion of “Convenience Store Woman” by Sayaka Murata, available on Hoopla as eBook and eAudio and Libby as eBook and eAudio. Registration is required and this program will be offered virtually.
University of Pittsburgh Disinformation Lab Presents #FakeNews: Making Sense of Digital Media in the Era of Mis/Disinformation and Clickbait
University of Pittsburgh Disinformation Lab Presents #FakeNews: Making Sense of Digital Media in the Era of Mis/Disinformation and Clickbait
Join Dr. Jessica Ghilani as she examines the historical framework for understanding fake news, discusses how we got to this point, and offers tips on how to develop digital media literacy skills that guard against fake news. Recommended for adults.
Career Cruising
Career Cruising
Learn how to match your interests into jobs that will be the right fit, search for educational opportunities, research careers, or even find financial aid opportunities with the Career Cruising tool – free with your Library card. Note: This program is a livestream event. Attendees are welcome to join in-person, which takes place in the … Continued
Canceled Storytime: Pajama Storytime
Canceled Storytime: Pajama Storytime
Cuddle up with 30 minutes of stories, songs and action rhymes that develop early literacy skills in children ages birth to five years. Pajamas optional! For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
Storytime: Baby and Toddler Snugglebugs
Explore action rhymes, songs and stories in this 20-30 minute program. Young children and adults will engage in language activities, books and reading, and creative play in a positive atmosphere. For children birth to 36 months and their caregivers.
Little Artists
Little Artists
Children learn and grow through art! Little Artists is a sensory experience for young children and their caregivers and a time to explore colors, shapes, textures, and materials. To encourage open experimentation and self-expression, this program focuses on the process of creation rather than the finished product. For children ages birth to five years and … Continued
Let’s Speak English!
Let’s Speak English!
This is a relaxed, social discussion group where participants can freely practice their English-speaking skills with friendly neighbors. For English language learners looking to practice with other learners.
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
Neighborworks presents Homebuyers Workshop
Neighborworks presents Homebuyers Workshop
Continental breakfast and lunch provided to all workshop participants. HUD certified counselors will discuss topics such as Fair housing, credit, pre- and post- purchase. A lender, realtor, inspector and insurance representative will be present to talk with participants. Recommended for adults. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/homebuyer-education-workshop-at-allegheny-library-tickets-933709599547?aff=erelexpmlt
Library Lounge: Tabletop Gaming
Library Lounge: Tabletop Gaming
Meet and play tabletop games with other game enthusiasts. We'll have games on hand to choose from or bring one to share.
We Learn: Advanced Korean
We Learn: Advanced Korean
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
Playdate at the Library
Playdate at the Library
Children learn and grow through play! Playdate is a time for families to grow their community, enjoy toys, games and supplies in the children's space and connect with our Children's Services staff. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
Join us for a fun and engaging morning with a variety of activities to kick off Hispanic Heritage Month. We’ll create colorful crafts, try new foods and learn about different aspects of Hispanic culture. All ages welcome.
Stranger Than Fiction: Nonfiction Book Club
Stranger Than Fiction: Nonfiction Book Club
Join us for a lively book discussion on Dress Code by Veronique Hyland. This title is available for checkout in our Catalog, and also as an eBook on Hoopla and as an eAudio on Hoopla.
Super Science
Super Science
Get curious! At Super Science, kids in K-5th grade will have a chance to get excited about a science topic. A read aloud is paired with hands-on, high quality STEM activities promoting scientific inquiry and wonder about science. For kids in grades K-5.
Kids Club
Kids Club
The Library is the place to be! Kids Club programs may include crafts, games, books, technology and more. Meet new friends, hang out with old friends and try something new. For kids in grades K-5.
We Learn: Intermediate Korean
We Learn: Intermediate Korean
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
Animal Friends Therapet Visit
Animal Friends Therapet Visit
Come by the location to visit with a certified Therapet! These pets have undergone special training to provide comfort and affection, and are certified through Animal Friends’ Therapets program. All ages are welcome. Animal Friends has lots of programs for families, youth and educators. Check out their other programs here https://www.thinkingoutsidethecage.org/our-programs/for-kids-and-teens/
Library Lounge: Throwback Cinema
Library Lounge: Tabletop Gaming
Library Lounge: Tabletop Gaming
Come join us for an afternoon full of board games! We have a large game collection on site, and you are also welcome to bring your own. Several of our games also have Spanish-language rulebooks available.
Harris Agency Presents Understanding Medicare Parts A, B, C, D
Harris Agency Presents Understanding Medicare Parts A, B, C, D
Join the Harris Agency for a 30-minute presentation on understanding Medicare Parts A B C D with an additional 30 minutes for questions and answers. The program will break down Medicare in a fun and easy way.
We Learn: Beginner Korean
We Learn: Beginner Korean
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
30 Books in 30 Minutes: Banned Books Week
30 Books in 30 Minutes: Banned Books Week
For Banned Books Week, staff race against the clock to share their favorite banned book recommendations as we celebrate the Freedom to Read! This event will take place in the Quiet Reading Room on the First Floor of CLP-Main Library, and is recommended for adults.
Music @ Main: Pittsburgh Memories on Vinyl
Music @ Main: Pittsburgh Memories on Vinyl
We'll listen to selections from the Library's collection of Pittsburgh LPs and 45s, sounds of the Pirates, Steelers, Pitt, CMU, local high schools, Mr. Rogers, George Benson, the birth of radio and more. This program takes place in the North Wing Music Room.
Book Club (Books on Broadway)
Book Club (Books on Broadway)
Join us for a lively book discussion on The Great Circle by Maggie Shipstead. This title is available for checkout in our Catalog, and also as an eBook on Hoopla and as an eAudio on Hoopla.
Library Lounge
Gallery Talk: The Fashion Group of Pittsburgh
Gallery Talk: The Fashion Group of Pittsburgh
CLP's Special Collections Department houses a collection on historical fashion and costuming, including books on cultural dress, high-fashion styles, and military uniforms from the 18th and 19th centuries. The book plates read “Purchased Using Funds Donated by the Fashion Group of Pittsburgh." How did the Steel City become the fashion capital of Appalachia? Why were … Continued
Library Lounge: Crafternoons
Library Lounge: Crafternoons
Join us for a simple craft each month and a chance to connect with other folks in the community. This program takes place in the Graphic Novels Room on the 1st floor.
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Drop in and learn how to use your tablet, iPad, smartphone, laptop computer or other digital device. At this informal help session, you can ask us about your device or the apps and programs installed on it, including Microsoft and Google tools. We will review the CIPA and NCIPA legislation and how the library uses … Continued
Teen Time
Teen Time
If you’re into hands-on projects, epic games, music, books and just chilling out, join us for Teen Time. For teens in grades 6-12.
Canceled Storytime: Family Fun
Canceled Storytime: Family Fun
Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.
We Learn: Learning to Crochet
We Learn: Learning to Crochet
We Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
Three Rivers Waterkeeper and Watersheds of South Pittsburgh Presents Be A Water Advocate for Your Community!
Three Rivers Waterkeeper and Watersheds of South Pittsburgh Presents Be A Water Advocate for Your Community!
Join us to learn why and how to advocate for clean water! We will discuss sources of water pollution and how to spot and report water pollution and share knowledge about our clean water laws and advocacy actions.