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Event Series Playdate at the Library

Playdate at the Library

CLP - Allegheny 1230 Federal Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Children learn and grow through play! Playdate is a time for families to grow their community, enjoy toys, games and supplies in the children's space and connect with our Children's Services staff. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.

Event Series Storytime: Family Fun

Storytime: Family Fun

CLP - Homewood 7101 Hamilton Ave, Pittsburgh, United States

Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.

Event Series Storytime: Preschool Pals

Storytime: Preschool Pals

CLP - Hazelwood 5006 Second Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Preschoolers and their caregivers will explore books, songs and rhymes to expand the imagination, inspire self-discovery and develop early literacy skills in this 30 minute program. For children ages 3 to 5 years and their caregivers.

Event Series Storytime: Family Fun

Storytime: Family Fun

CLP - Beechview 1910 Broadway Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join us for stories, songs and action rhymes. During this 30 minute program, families will meet new friends and develop early literacy skills. For children ages birth to five years and their caregivers.

Digital Skills: Mouse and Keyboard Basics

CLP - Brookline 708 Brookline Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Mouse and keyboard are the fundamental skills needed to do virtually anything on a computer. Join us as we practice and learn the basics of navigating a computer using these tools.

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