CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesWe are here to help you with getting a resume started, placing the finishing touches on a cover letter, or providing a refresher on digital skills. This program takes place in the Job & Career Education Center on the 2nd floor.
Meditation with a Monk
CLP - East Liberty 130 S. Whitfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoin us for an hour long meditation program that explores techniques for relaxing the body and calming the mind, while also cultivating mindfulness, loving kindness, and equanimity. No equipment or previous experience required. Come as you are. For Adults.
Let’s Speak English!
CLP - Downtown 612 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesA relaxed, social discussion group where participants can freely practice their English-speaking skills with friendly neighbors. The group is for English language learners looking to practice with other learners.
Let’s Read English!
CLP - Downtown 612 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoin us to practice your English skills as we read and discuss a short story on "Sacks," by Raymond Carver.
Stranger Than Fiction: Nonfiction Book Club
CLP - Brookline 708 Brookline Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoin us for a lively book discussion The Light Eaters by Zoe Schlanger
We Learn: Intermediate Italian Book & Conversation Group
CLP - East Liberty 130 S. Whitfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesWe Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
We Learn: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Using Python and R Programming
CLP - East Liberty 130 S. Whitfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesWe Learn learning circles are volunteer-facilitated peer learning groups. Learning circles meet in person but use a hybrid model with online learning materials. Please click the register button to visit the registration site and see more details about what the facilitator has planned. Click here to register on the P2PU website.
Library Lounge: Knit & Crochet
CLP - Mt. Washington 315 Grandview Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoin our Crochet & Knitting Group. We are a group of friendly crochet and knitting fans, looking to teach and learn from other friendly crafters. Bring your current projects or start a new one!
Harris Agency presents Understanding Medicare Parts A, B, C, D
CLP - Beechview 1910 Broadway Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoin the Harris Agency for a 30-minute presentation on understanding Medicare Parts A B C D with an additional 30 minutes for questions and answers. The program will break down Medicare in a fun and easy way.
Award Winners Book Club
CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoin us once a month for lively discussion of Award-Winning Titles! This month we are discussing Oye by Melissa Mogollon. This title is available for checkout in our Catalog. Note: This book discussion is a hybrid event. Attendees are welcome to join in-person, which takes place in the Director’s Conference Room on the first floor of … Continued
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
CLP - Downtown 612 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesDrop in and learn how to use your tablet, iPad, smartphone, laptop computer or other digital device. At this informal help session, you can ask us about your device or the apps and programs installed on it, including Microsoft and Google tools. We will review the CIPA and NCIPA legislation and how the library uses … Continued
Music at Main: Gadget Playground
CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesExplore our musical gadgets and share your skills with fellow electronic music enthusiasts! This program takes place in the North Wing Music Room.