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Harris Agency presents Understanding Medicare Parts A, B, C, D

CLP - Beechview 1910 Broadway Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join the Harris Agency for a 30-minute presentation on understanding Medicare Parts A B C D with an additional 30 minutes for questions and answers. The program will break down Medicare in a fun and easy way.

Award Winners Book Club

CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Hybrid Hybrid Event

Join us once a month for lively discussion of Award-Winning Titles! This month we are discussing Oye by Melissa Mogollon. This title is available for checkout in our Catalog. Note: This book discussion is a hybrid event. Attendees are welcome to join in-person, which takes place in the Director’s Conference Room on the first floor of … Continued


Digital Skills: Gadget Lab

CLP - Downtown 612 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Drop in and learn how to use your tablet, iPad, smartphone, laptop computer or other digital device. At this informal help session, you can ask us about your device or the apps and programs installed on it, including Microsoft and Google tools. We will review the CIPA and NCIPA legislation and how the library uses … Continued


Canceled Creative Citizen Studios Art Workshop

CLP - Carrick 1811 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh

This interactive arts program is designed for adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities (caregivers welcome). Workshop participants are invited to explore their artistic talents through art history and various art techniques with an art instructor from Creative Citizen Studios. Registration required; experience not necessary. Please inform the library and class instructor of special accommodations prior … Continued

Event Series WORKshop


CLP - Main (Oakland) 4400 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

We are here to help you with getting a resume started, placing the finishing touches on a cover letter, or providing a refresher on digital skills. This program takes place in the Job & Career Education Center on the 2nd floor.

Book Club

CLP - Woods Run 1201 Woods Run Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Join us for a lively book discussion on The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon This title is available for checkout in our Catalog, and also as an eBook on Hoopla and as an eAudio on Hoopla.

County Services Resource Fair

CLP - Hill District 2177 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, United States

Join the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD), Allegheny County Department of Human Services (ACDHS) and other community providers as they provide Narcan along with substance use and treatment information from local organizations. Participating organizations may include ACHD Overdose Prevention, ACHD Housing Program, DHS Drug & Alcohol, JADE Wellness, Three Rivers Youth, Positive Pathways, AHN Perinatal HOPE … Continued

Digital Skills: Android Device Basics

CLP - Downtown 612 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Learn how to navigate and get the most out of a phone or tablet using Android, Google’s popular operating system that is used by most device manufacturers other than Apple. We will review the CIPA and NCIPA legislation and how the library uses filtering to keep minors safe online.

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