Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority: Color-Changing Chemistry
CLP - Carrick 1811 Brownsville Road, PittsburghBecome a scientist who makes water safe to drink for our city! Create crazy color-changing potions in a hands-on exploration of water chemistry and water treatment. Recommended for kids in grades K-5 and their caregivers.
Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority: Color-Changing Chemistry
CLP - Hazelwood 5006 Second Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesBecome a scientist who makes water safe to drink for our city! Create crazy color-changing potions in a hands-on exploration of water chemistry and water treatment. Recommended for kids in grades K-5 and their caregivers.
Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority: Color-Changing Chemistry
CLP - Mt. Washington 315 Grandview Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesBecome a scientist who makes water safe to drink for our city! Create crazy color-changing potions in a hands-on exploration of water chemistry and water treatment. Recommended for kids in grades K-5 and their caregivers.
Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Presents Color-Changing Chemistry
CLP - West End 47 Wabash St, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesBecome a scientist who makes water safe to drink for our city! Create crazy color-changing potions in a hands-on exploration of water chemistry and water treatment. Recommended for grades K-5.
Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Presents Color-Changing Chemistry
CLP - Hazelwood 5006 Second Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesBecome a scientist who makes water safe to drink for our city! Create crazy color-changing potions in a hands-on exploration of water chemistry and water treatment. Recommended for grades K-5.
Canceled Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority Presents: Your Drinking Water: A Community Discussion
CLP - Hill District 2177 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, United StatesJoin PWSA for a community conversation about your water. Learn about water treatment and bring questions! A CARES representative will be available for questions about your service and bill assistance. Recommended for adults.
Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Presents Color-Changing Chemistry
CLP - Brookline 708 Brookline Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesBecome a scientist who makes water safe to drink for our city! Create crazy color-changing potions in a hands-on exploration of water chemistry and water treatment. Recommended for grades K-5.
Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority Presents Color-Changing Chemistry
CLP - Beechview 1910 Broadway Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesBecome a scientist who makes water safe to drink for our city! Create crazy color-changing potions in a hands-on exploration of water chemistry and water treatment. Recommended for grades K-5.
Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority Presents Color-Changing Chemistry
CLP - Brookline 708 Brookline Boulevard, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesBecome a scientist who makes water safe to drink for our city! Create crazy color-changing potions in a hands-on exploration of water chemistry and water treatment. Recommended for grades K-5.
Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority Presents Color-Changing Chemistry
CLP - Woods Run 1201 Woods Run Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesBecome a scientist who makes water safe to drink for our city! Create crazy color-changing potions in a hands-on exploration of water chemistry and water treatment. Recommended for grades K-5.