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COVID-19 Resources: Social Distancing

Updated: April 29, 2020

Social distancing can help slow the spread of COVID-19 in affected communities. This means not shaking hands, avoiding crowds, standing at least 6 feet from other people and, most important, staying home if you feel sick.

Allegheny County officials have called on all nonessential businesses to close or implement alternative work strategies from March 16th through March 31st. The goal with this recommendation is to further emphasize social distancing.

Other guidelines from county officials are as follows:

  • While restaurants are included in this recommendation, businesses are encouraged to stay open for carry-out and delivery only.
  • Churches and other religious institutions are asked to refrain from social gatherings but should remain open for social services and support of their communities. Gatherings should be of 20 people or less during this time.
  • People are still free to travel. For healthy people, this simply means making certain that they are practicing social distancing by staying at least six feet away from other people. It also means using good judgement – people that work in smaller group settings can certainly continue to work, provided that there is space to remain separated from each other.
  • People who are ill should not go out. They should not go to grocery stores, but instead have food delivered or ask friends or family to pick up what they need. They should remain semi-isolated so as not to further spread any virus or disease. If they need to seek further medical care, they should contact their medical provider by phone and, if an emergency, contact 9-1-1.

For more information on social distancing, self-quarantine or isolation, NPR has created a Q&A on the differences and when to implement them.

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