Science Fiction for Kids

Whether traveling to distant planets or envisioning the future of our own world, science fiction sparks children’s curiosity and imagination while helping them to make sense of the world. From cats on the moon to freezing time, this list includes exciting chapter books and graphic novels that kids won’t be able to put down. 


Check out the YA graphic novel, “Topside” if you like sci-fi adventure and interesting characters. 

Magical Schools for Extraordinary Teens

Get the school year off to a heroic start with these young adult and middle-grade fiction titles about magical schools and institutions for extraordinary teens- and no, they’re not the one you’re thinking of!


Check out this magical middle grade graphic novel to discover an amazing new world. 

President & Director Andrew Medlar’s Summer Picks

Summer Reading holds a special place in my heart, because from the year I was born I was always the first kid signed up for it at my neighborhood library. As an adult, that same holds true. Here are five books I loved the most this summer.