The Queen of Blood

Daleina and Ven team up with an eager assistant healer and a wolf to save the villages, get Daleina trained, and make sure the queen doesn’t lose the small amount of control she has left.

Sally Sparrow, Duck!

It seems almost paradoxical for a thing like time travel to have a history, and yet James Gleick, in his newest endeavor, has delved deep into both pop culture and science to bring us a deeply comprehensive history of one of the post popular tropes in science fiction storytelling.

Travel to a Dangerous Past with Kindred

What if you found yourself suddenly transported into the past and you had no control over when you came back? What if the past was so dangerous that you wondered if you would ever come back at all?

The Beginning of a Revolution

The first in a trilogy, Pierce Brown uses Red Rising as a fantastic starting point for Darrow’s journey towards breaking the rules, changing expectations, and starting a revolution.

Once a Gunrunner, Now Heir to an Empire

There’s only one type of princess character I’m ever drawn to—the reluctant and/or rebellious one. Behind the Throne, the first in a new trilogy by K.B. Wagers, delivers the best reluctant princess adventure I’ve read in a long time.

Star Trek: The Original Series

In an era when humans are poised on the edge of forever, Star Trek: The Original Series offers timeless lessons for our exploratory species.

Bite-Sized Books

Whether you’re looking for something easy to take with you on your commute or just want to try a sample of a new genre or author, these bite-sized books make great starters!