Magical Middle Grade Books

One of the great things about fiction is that anything can happen. Magic can be real. It’s not just potions and wands–the representations of magic in stories are as varied … Continued

Prepare for The Fifth Season!

One woman’s journey reveals the unimaginable as the world ends in destruction around her. But what happens after the end of the world?

House of Women

In this new graphic novel, Sophie Goldstein takes the story of Black Narcissus and sets it in space, adding layers of the uncanny to the tale of simmering, forbidden desire in a foreign land.

For Fans of BLADE RUNNER 2049

The original Blade Runner film (1982) was loosely based on Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? You’ll find it in the fiction section under the author, Philip K. Dick. If … Continued

The State, the Citizen, and Giant Bugs

What exactly is the best relationship between state and citizen? Is the right to vote something that should be earned? And how cool are giant bugs getting blown up by shoulder launched atomic weapons?


Scarlett has always played it safe, but she longs to visit Caraval, an enchanted world where magic exists so strongly and powerfully that you have to remind yourself that it’s just a game.