Some Like it Hot

Tired of the same old Summer book lists promising cool locales, chilling tales, and the frozen depths of space?  CLP hears you.  We know some of you like it hot, … Continued

Here to Help: Immigration

For life’s big and small moments Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh staff have created Here to Help booklists. Here to Help booklists provide information and support in navigating life experiences. Librarians … Continued

Appalachian Voices

Appalachian writing, like its region, is shaped by contradictions: deep ties to land with a history of environmental exploitation; industrial triumph and ruin; resilience and resourcefulness born out of struggle … Continued

Pride Month Picks for Adults

For Pride 2024, CLP is celebrating joy, love, and solidarity while recognizing the oppression the LGBTQIA+ community continues to face—especially for people with intersecting identities. We invite you to celebrate with us and explore these books and more in our collections. 

Thoughtful Gardening

With the days finally getting longer and the first blooms of the season bobbing their heads in warming breezes, all I’ve been thinking about is garden planning. My backyard garden … Continued

Vivian Ann Davidson Hewitt

Vivian Ann Davidson Hewitt’s legacy has been felt by many whether it is through her impact as a librarian or her curated collection of African American art.  To learn more about Ms. Davidson Hewitt and Black Librarianship, staff have curated a list of suggested readings.