Speculative, Surreal and Uncanny Short Fiction Collections

The speculative is a space in fiction where the unexpected and impossible can creep in. These recent collections of short stories all deal in the speculative fiction realm but vary in approach and tone. Take a look and find one to suit your mood! 

What’s Your Pronoun?

The book, “What’s Your Pronoun?” discusses pronouns from a LGBTQIA+ perspective, while taking a linguistic and historical look at the topic.

Queer Historical Mysteries

Atmospheric, gritty and/or a little romantic, these mysteries featuring queer characters serve up some history with their sleuthing. 

Queer Allyship for Middle Grade Readers

Oozing with empathy and the rewarding process of building community, Operatic serves as story, biography and resource about embracing the truest parts of one’s self and others.

Crossing Borders

These stories of LGBTQIA immigrants demonstrate the challenges and triumphs of crossing borders as well as sex and gender binaries.