William the Conqueror

Looking for a tome? This richly detailed biography of one of history’s most notorious figures should satiate your cravings.

You Have a Voice

This is a list of books that could start a discussion about something kids might wonder about – protests.

Nothing New Under the Sun

Autobiographical account from 1821 of an opium user’s hallucinations and wanderings and the resulting paranoia that led him to abandon the experiment.

Storm of Steel (In Stahlgewittern)

“Storm of Steel” is the result of the perfect storm of courage under fire and pure luck. The first hand account it offers of WWI combat as well as the life and attitudes of the soldiers who fought is an essential work for history buffs and action junkies alike. Its often poetic prose shows us equally the horrors and the grim beauty of war on a massive scale.

Words of Encouragement

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves…”

Picture Books for Older Readers

Picture books span a variety of reading levels and many of our most popular picture books contain content and vocabulary that is much better suited for an older reader.