Black Cooking and the American Table

Recent books continue to illuminate and correct the record on how African and African American cooks, enslaved or otherwise, had a profound influence on the food we eat. Here are a few to get you started…

The Bluest Eye

A classic African American novel of race, poverty, and longing to be something that you’re not.

Dysfunctional Fun for the Holidays

If you too are visiting loved ones this holiday season, take a moment to ponder how lucky you are that you don’t belong to the following families.

Travel to a Dangerous Past with Kindred

What if you found yourself suddenly transported into the past and you had no control over when you came back? What if the past was so dangerous that you wondered if you would ever come back at all?

American Boys

Being a teen in this country can be scary, especially for teens worried about being targeted by the police for their skin color.

We Came to America

“We came to America,
Every color, race and religion,
From every country in the world.”