Chatham Baroque in Your Neighborhood

With music as the vehicle, the musicians share their instruments and knowledge of music and culture. The playful and lively sessions encourage children, and their accompanying adults, to become active … Continued

Chatham Baroque in Your Neighborhood

With music as the vehicle, the musicians share their instruments, and knowledge of music and culture. The playful and lively sessions encourage children, and their accompanying adults, to become active … Continued

Azure Family Concerts Pittsburgh

Azure musicians present interactive, sensory-friendly programs of live music from different genres. Participants are invited to move and make music of their own. All ages, abilities, and behaviors welcome!

Extravaganza 2024

Join us on Sunday, August 11 from 12 – 5 pm at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s Summer Reading Extravaganza “Closing Ceremony,” a family-friendly outdoor festival for all ages.