Library Lounge
Join us for a fun and engaging social program. Activities vary and could include a movie, craft or game.
Library Lounge
Join us for a fun and engaging social program. Activities vary and could include a movie, craft or game.
Digital Skills: eBooks, Audiobooks and Video
Did you know that you can check out eBooks, Audiobooks, and streaming video from the library using your own phone, tablet, or computer? In this workshop, we will show you … Continued
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Drop in and learn how to use your tablet, iPad, smartphone, laptop computer or other digital device. At this informal help session, you can ask us about your device or … Continued
Annual Public Meeting
Join Board leaders and library staff at CLP’s Annual Public Meeting!
Digital Skills: iOS Basics
Learn how to navigate and get the most out of your iPhone or iPad using iOS, the software used on all Apple mobile devices.
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Drop in and learn how to use your tablet, iPad, smartphone, laptop computer or other digital device. At this informal help session, you can ask us about your device or … Continued
Digital Skills: Android Basics
Learn how to navigate and get the most out of a phone or tablet using Android, Google’s popular operating system that is used by most device manufacturers other than Apple.
Digital Skills: Gadget Lab
Drop in and learn how to use your tablet, iPad, smartphone, laptop computer or other digital device. At this informal help session, you can ask us about your device or … Continued
Alzheimer’s Association Greater Pennsylvania Chapter: The Impact of Alzheimer’s & Dementia in Our Community
Learn about the warning signs of Alzheimer’s, the importance of early detection, what you can do to improve brain health, the latest treatments, and available resources. Recommended for adults, caregivers … Continued