The Manifold Worlds

Foz Meadows’ duology is a refreshing fantasy adventure. On Earth, Saffron Coulter is dealing with continued sexual harrassment at her high school in Australia. She’s given words of encouragement from … Continued

Adult Summer Reading 2019

For summer reading this year, we’re featuring authors who you will have an opportunity to see in person during Pittsburgh Arts and Lectures’ 2019/2020 season of the Ten Evenings lecture series.

Drinking Coffee Elsewhere

Published in 2003, Drinking Coffee Elsewhere is a collection of ZZ Packer’s stories, which were published everywhere from Seventeen to The New Yorker and embodies the writer’s astonishing rise in … Continued

It All Works Out for the Best

Sometimes an old dog can learn new tricks. Pittsburgh Opera concludes its 2018-2019 season with Donizetti’s comic masterpiece, Don Pasquale. Don Pasquale, an old and wealthy bachelor, wants to arrange a marriage for his … Continued

Who is Vera Kelly?

Rosalie Knecht has not written a traditional spy novel for her 2nd published book. Instead, Who is Vera Kelly? is an empathetic character study. As a girl in 1957, Vera … Continued