More Resources for Caregivers

A couple months ago I recommended some resources that both the Library and other organizations provide for locating credible information for the loved one under your care. The following are … Continued

The Dystopia of 2016 in All Our Wrong Todays

I may have only attained rudimentary success in college level science and the intricacies of physics may be a bit beyond me, but I enjoy reading about science and all of the possibilities it entails. For those of you who dream of an alternate reality and a futuristic utopia, you need look no further than All of Our Wrong Todays by Canadian screen-writer-turned-author Elan Mastai.

Madison Ave. via the Library

I’ve mentioned before how one of the perks of working in a library is being exposed to all kinds of different books. Every day books cross my desk and I … Continued

Throwback Thursday: The Stories That Won’t Let Go

There’s a story that won’t let go of me. Some days, this book takes the form of a novel. On other days, it has flirted with being a collection of linked short stories and at times, it feels like it wants to be a memoir.
You won’t find this book on our shelves here at the Library (yet) because I’ve written and rewritten this story for … well, let’s just say it has been a few years.  Like most things in our lives, it is a SomedayMaybeLifeIsntGettingAnyShorter work in progress.

Preservation Highlight: Caring for the Collection with Tie-Boxes

Sometimes, the best way to preserve a book and its information is to leave it in its delicate condition and make a sturdy safe place for it to live. This is where our custom made boxes come in! We use preservation grade materials and best practices to ensure the longest life for our collection. The last thing we want is to harm the books by using acidic boards or glues that will speed their deterioration.

By Thor’s Hammer

Every few years a new culture seems to capture our collective attention…Pirates, vampires and zombies (oh my?) being the first three that come to mind over the last decade and a half. Lately I have detected a little Scandinavian sensationalism, some Nordic know-how, floating into pop culture. I am, of course, talking about the popularity Vikings seem to be enjoying in television.

A Baby Book Shower: Babies Need Books from Birth

It’s never too early to start reading to your baby, and we hope that the Best Books for Babies booklist in combination with future Baby Book Showers will continue to inspire caregivers to share books with their babies.

Summer Reading, Pittsburgh Style!

This year, we’re striving to read 180,000 books for Summer Reading! While ANY books, magazines and graphic novels count toward our goal, some of the books we’re promoting this year have a common theme—the city of Pittsburgh!