Fear: Trump in the White House By Bob Woodward DB91876 Pulitzer prize-winning investigative journalist details the decision-making process for both foreign and domestic policy within the Trump administration. Draws on … Continued

Spotlight on Children’s Spaces: CLP – Squirrel Hill

Every Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh neighborhood location has a unique room or space designated to and designed specifically for young children. I’ve been traveling around, talking with the Children’s Specialists in those spaces, and figuring out what makes each space special. My first destination was CLP – Squirrel Hill.

The 7 Deadly Sins

When I heard that CLP latest After Hours event was going to be about the seven deadly sins, I thought that would be a great idea for a blog post. … Continued

Tween Queens: A Tale of Two Ella’s

We all, I assume, know Disney’s iconic version of the fairy tale Cinderella. Friend to small animals, sings while scrubbing floors, love at first sight with Prince Charming, dainty feet, … Continued

Services for Dark Times 

The library is often a place where people turn when they don’t know where else to go.  Libraries help people with everything from finding a job, connecting people with social … Continued

Narrating Turtle Diary

The recording program of the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (LBPH) has produced more than 200 audiobooks in the past ten years.  One of the most unusual of … Continued