Theater Without the Crowd

Even If You Can’t Go to the Theater – Bring the Theater Home to You With all events cancelled, it can sometimes feel like there is nothing to do. The … Continued

#BeCounted2020 – The Census and You

Every 10 years, the United States conducts a Census – or count – of our entire population. By completing this count, the government is able to determine Congressional representation, which … Continued

Rediscovering Childhood Favorites on Hoopla

Seeing as we are watching a little more television than normal, my son has really taken an interest in hearing about the shows and cartoons we liked to watch growing up. Over lunch the other day, he asked if there were any shows that we watched as a kid that he could still see today. I was amazed at how much I rediscovered on Hoopla. Maybe you’ll go down a rabbit hole too and discover some of your own nostalgic favorites!

School at Home During COVID-19: Resources for Parents

It’s been weeks since my kids’ schools closed. While adjusting to this new “normal,” I’ve also been trying to figure out how to be a teacher for my first grader and preschooler. Here are some resources I’ve found useful in figuring out how to keep my kids happy and engaged—with schoolwork and other activities—during this time. Hopefully something on here can help you out too. 

Listen Together: Perfect Picks for an Assortment of Ages

If your family likes listening to books together, check out the list of kids’ audiobooks we’ve put together on OverDrive. There are books intended for a variety of ages and even grown-ups will likely find something to enjoy and/or ponder.

When History Repeats Itself

While we’re living through an epidemic that is unprecedented in our lifetimes, CLP has closed in the past in a similar situation. The library was closed for two weeks in … Continued