Just the FAQs!

Wouldn’t it be awesome if library staff was available to answer questions twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week? While we aren’t able to do that, our FAQs are! … Continued

Black History Month @ CLP

While we know Black History Month at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh will look a little different this year due to limited in-person services, we’ve developed a robust lineup of virtual … Continued

Inauguration Day 2021

Inauguration Day takes place on January 20, 2021, and will be unlike any in U.S. history. Normally regarded as the end of one presidential era and the beginning of the next through a peaceful transfer of power, complete with parades, balls and large celebrations, this year’s inauguration will look and feel completely different.

Book Awards Roundup: Part 1

As a librarian I have always been aware of book awards and prizes, but it wasn’t until this year that I began to realize the huge number and wide scope of literary awards that there are in the world. Read on to learn more.