Super Science: marshmallow bridges, gooey chemistry, fizzing rockets and more!

Wiggly worms and bugs, crazy chemistry, gooey polymers and fizzing Alka-Seltzer™ rockets—this is a mere sampling of the amazing science activities kids can explore free of charge during Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s Super Science programs, which receives generous support from PPG Foundation and other funders.

Three Creepy Ghost Stories for Halloween

This is the week leading up to Halloween. So of course I felt obligated to make a post about books that would be great to read over the holiday. And by obligated, I mean I’m super excited about this list because I’ve been super into horror lately. So here are some books that you should pick up to get in the right holiday spirit.

Read Harder: Vol. 10

I am far from a Dylan scholar. I’ll admit that up front. I certainly know his songs; I can get why people flipped when he went electric and how Blonde on Blonde smoothed things over. But with his Nobel Prize for Literature, my interest in his work has been renewed. That’s why The Old, Weird America by Greil Marcus works out great to help check off the task of “Read a biography (not a memoir or autobiography)” the Read Harder challenge.

For the Folk (pt.1)

I have always loved folk music. The more stripped down and rough around the edges the better. Recently I’ve been listening to a lot of folk music again. It’s nice … Continued

Tournament of Sadness: Round 3

This is the third in a series of posts I will be writing to determine the most depressing movie we have in the library’s film collection. I will be watching 16 devastating movies in the coming months — feel free to join in the “fun” and share your feedback! Round 3 tackles depressing movies about addiction: Leaving Las Vegas and Requiem for a Dream.

Come Write In at Your Library

This is the year you finally write your novel! The Library is here to help with resources, events and lots and lots of coffee. Yes, you read that right–we’re providing you with free coffee.

Pygmalion and Galatea

I’m not sure if you’ve heard about Pygmalion and Galatea.  It’s not what I consider a well-known Greek myth, though its other iterations are well known.  As the story goes, … Continued

The Mystery Behind The Sister

In the wake of her best friend Charlie’s death, Grace goes on a mission to find Charlie’s father. Things aren’t what they seem, though, and soon Grace starts to question what’s really going on. If you enjoyed The Girl on the Train, I think you’ll enjoy Louise Jensen’s debut novel, The Sister.

Run for Your Library

Sure, the Pittsburgh Marathon is still six months away (and there’s still The Season of Pumpkin Spice Everything, the upcoming holidays, and the doldrums of a ‘Burgh winter to get through), but we’re already forming our team of participants who have committed to run and raise money for the Library.