Discworld – The Watch Books

If you aren’t familiar with Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series of books, I’m here to tell you to read one. Any one. Just read one. You’ll know if it’s for you … Continued

Works for Me: WorkLaunch Career Connections and Workshops

With spring on the horizon, it’s natural to think about renewal and a fresh start after a long, dreary winter. One part of this process might be a review of where you are in your professional life. If you are curious about pursuing new career opportunities, then consider taking part in the job search workshops, employer information sessions and one-on-one career counseling opportunities at the second annual WorkLaunch: Career Connections and Workshops event

Celebrating Library Advocates

Each year, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s Board of Directors schedules a public board meeting so that our community members can be updated on CLP happenings and get a view of our governance process. In addition to this transparency, we also use the public meeting as an opportunity to publicly recognize the loudest and proudest library advocates.

Best of BARD: February 2017

You’d think a list starting with Patterson and Woods and ending with Steel means we are back in the thick of it with some of the usual suspects, the heavy … Continued

The Importance of Play

Play supports literacy and learning; it is the conduit through which children develop both the ability and readiness to learn.

Women of the Periodic Table

Ever since reading The Disappearing Spoon, I’ve had a minor obsession with the periodic table. Each element has its own quirks and its own story. Those stories, of course, involve the people who discovered and studied the elements. For Women’s History Month, I thought it would be interesting to explore the women of the periodic table. Two of them have elements named for them — you probably know a few things about Marie Curie. Others you may never have heard of.

I Have My Reasons…For Running

And then there comes the day when the self-professed non-runner, decides to run. Come May, I will be participating in the 2017 Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon 5K. The reason: to raise money and awareness for Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

Diner Daze

The other week, my coworker let me in on a little secret: her go-to lunch spot is a diner down the street from the library. I was dumbfounded. I’ve worked … Continued