Reading Grisham

Recently I read my first John Grisham. It was his latest book The Reckoning (DB92511) , which would rank as one of the top books I read last year. I … Continued

Caribbean Fiction

The Caribbean Sea is a relatively small geographic area but is filled with many islands and countries that are very rich in culture and diversity.  Many of these islands have also … Continued

Empowered by Creative Learning

Enter Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Allegheny on a Tuesday afternoon and patrons — right in the center of the room — could be learning to sew or recording their … Continued

The Lessons of Westover.

At the end of last year Tara Westover’s memoir Educated (DB 90188) had popped up on my radar more than a few times. After half a dozen mentions I finally placed the … Continued

Reading Goals

It’s that time again…time to determine my reading goals for the New Year. For the first time in a long time, I am participating in multiple book clubs and while … Continued