Elevation By Stephen King DB 93255 / CL 19034 Middle-aged Scott Carey has discovered he is losing weight but–oddly–not mass. As he confides to his retired doctor friend, nothing he … Continued

Irish I were in Ireland

With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, you may experience the desire to read some books about the ever-lovely Emerald Isle. Whether you are a lover of fiction or … Continued

Data Detox Week 2: Being Social

In May, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh will host The Glass Room, an interactive exhibit examining the ramifications of always-on, always-connected technology on personal privacy. As a lead up to this … Continued

Introduction to Data Detox

In May, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh will host The Glass Room, an interactive exhibit examining the ramifications of always-on, always-connected technology on personal privacy. As a lead up to this … Continued