Celebrate Your Fandom at PhenomeCON!

Are you itching to dress up as your favorite character? Do you want to show off your Smash Bros skills or make new friends to discuss your latest fanfiction and fanart? Then check out PhenomeCON– Pittsburgh’s free, city-wide, teens-only fandom convention!

Bone Wars

In April of this year an unusual item appeared for sale on Ebay:  the 15-foot, 68-million-year-old remains of a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex, discovered in Wyoming, for the “buy it now” … Continued

Well I am in a hurry…

Astrophysics for People in a Hurry (DB 89846) by Neil deGrasse Tyson is an excellent book.  He goes through the entire history of the universe in a brilliant and funny … Continued

Effort Counts Twice

I have a twin sister who constantly gives me great things to include clothes, advice and book suggestions. Our book tendencies are opposite. I lean towards fiction while she leans … Continued