Building Resilience Three Links at a Time

A few years back, the Collection Development team here at CLP began sharing what we call “SuperBetter Moments.” The idea came from a TED talk by game designer Jane McGonigal.   In the video, McGonigal … Continued

Learning During COVID-19 and ADHD: Resources for Parents

Today and USA Today are among some media outlets addressing the unique challenges parents of children with special needs face during the pandemic. Without the support schools can provide: special education teachers, reading specialists, classroom therapists and more, services are missing for these kids. With that in mind, here are some light ideas and gentle suggestions specific to ADHD. These are not substitutes for the services currently missing from our lives as we navigate the pandemic.  The intent is to connect parents to library resources that may support you at home, while homeschooling or learning with kids with ADHD. 

April’s Virtual Lineup

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Instagram Teenspace Instagram YouTube APRIL 2020 ACTIVITIES Teen Book Recommendations: Teen librarians reveal their favorite titles @clpteenspace Instagram Mondays & Wednesdays Book Brackets (Non-March Madness): Vote … Continued

Theater Without the Crowd

Even If You Can’t Go to the Theater – Bring the Theater Home to You With all events cancelled, it can sometimes feel like there is nothing to do. The … Continued

Rediscovering Childhood Favorites on Hoopla

Seeing as we are watching a little more television than normal, my son has really taken an interest in hearing about the shows and cartoons we liked to watch growing up. Over lunch the other day, he asked if there were any shows that we watched as a kid that he could still see today. I was amazed at how much I rediscovered on Hoopla. Maybe you’ll go down a rabbit hole too and discover some of your own nostalgic favorites!