You Did It!

Congratulations, Pittsburgh – you just read 90,000 books!

Awesome Edgy Comics That Are Definitely NSFW

Here are three ongoing comic series that explore difficult topics and taboo subjects. Sex Criminals is a series about two people who rob a bank to save a library. Bitch Planet looks at the way we treat women and hold them to impossible standards. And Morning Glories examines violence and youth (with some time travel thrown in for good measure).

Kindergarten Transition

Preventing a rocky start to school for your child will set them on the right path towards school success.

Welcome to Jupiter

Do you find yourself constantly pondering about the universe and all the secrets it holds? I did, but now that I’ve read a few books on theoretical physics, I’m light years beyond where I was before. In celebration of NASA’s Juno mission, let’s go to “Infinity and Beyond.”

My Top 13 “Guilty Pleasure” Songs

There are some songs you can’t help but sing along with… as long as no one is around to hear you. Maybe you don’t deny that you like them, but you don’t exactly advertise it, either. Here are 13 of mine.