My Favorites From the Youth Media Awards

Earlier this week ALA (American Library Association) announced the 2017 youth media award winners, which includes over 20 awards for books, video and audio books. Here are my favorites from the award-winners.

Setting New Goals

Traditionally at the end of the year/beginning of the new year I set new goals. Which means I take a look at what I’ve actually done throughout the previous year and decide on a (hopefully) new set of goals. Therein lies the problem for me: I’m hoping that I’m setting a new set of goals. Did I even accomplish my previous goals? This year, the answer is “Not really.” But does it matter?

Three Audio Books with Great Narrators

There have been numerous discussions about whether listening to books is the same as reading books. Although the process may be different, it seems to me that either way you are learning and gathering information. The following are audio book titles that I would recommend, because the narrators are amazing and really give life to the characters.

Three Creepy Ghost Stories for Halloween

This is the week leading up to Halloween. So of course I felt obligated to make a post about books that would be great to read over the holiday. And by obligated, I mean I’m super excited about this list because I’ve been super into horror lately. So here are some books that you should pick up to get in the right holiday spirit.

A World of Book Series

Abbey has started reading 165 book series, but only finished 20%. Help her choose which series to finish next: The Steampunk Chronicles, the Snow White Trilogy, or the Cordelia Gray series.

Mirrors and Windows

When you read a book that doesn’t have a character that reflects you, but is more about viewing others and different experiences, that is a window book — and they are just as important.

Celebrate Good Times

With so many things to do around town this week–including Pittsburgh Pride!–it will be hard to browse for books, so here are three LGBTQ-friendly YA picks for your Summer Reading list.

The Pirates Home Opener 2016

People go to baseball games for a variety of reasons, because they like the game (my mom [Hi Mom!]), because they like the food and being in a stadium (me) or because they’ve been dragged there by their family (my dad and sister).