Safeguarding Your Right to Read

Banned Books Week is an annual celebration of the freedom to read and, as detailed in this blog post, was co-founded by native Pittsburgher Judith Krug. It’s sponsored by the … Continued

Banned Books Week – Book Challenges Explained

When people first hear about Banned Books Week, they often ask one of two questions: “Who doesn’t have the freedom to read?” and “Are books really banned?” Neither answer is quite as straight-forward as you might think.

Wonders of the Urban Wilderness

Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time walking around my neighborhood. It started when we got a puppy a couple of months ago. But the practice has definitely increased as our ability to … Continued

Building Resilience Three Links at a Time

A few years back, the Collection Development team here at CLP began sharing what we call “SuperBetter Moments.” The idea came from a TED talk by game designer Jane McGonigal.   In the video, McGonigal … Continued

Uplift with Up Lit

Feeling overwhelmed by the news? Need something uplifting to, well, lift your spirits?  We’ve put together a collection of Up Lit on our OverDrive site.  What is Up Lit, you may ask? In a nutshell, … Continued

Going Back in Time

Recently, Tor, a top publisher of science fiction and fantasy books and a division of Macmillan, made a surprise announcement regarding a change in their eBook licensing model for libraries. … Continued