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Three Creepy Ghost Stories for Halloween

This is the week leading up to Halloween. So of course I felt obligated to make a post about books that would be great to read over the holiday. And by obligated, I mean I’m super excited about this list because I’ve been super into horror lately. So here are some books that you should pick up to get in the right holiday spirit.

The first book is Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake, and can you just look at that cover! I mean that alone gives me the heeby jeebies. The story is about a boy name Cas who kills the dead for a living, which he learned to do from his father. That is the task he is taking on when he meets the ghost that the town calls Anna Dressed in Blood. You’re going to have to pick up the book to see if Cas can beat Anna.

If you liked the movie The Ring (which I just realized is 13 years old!) you will definitely enjoy this book. The Girl from the Well by Rin Chupeco is written from the point of view of the ghost name Okiku. It is based on a Japanese urban legend and is about her revenge on the man who killed her.

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan has zombies, which are called the Unconsecrated. Mary is trying to find out if there is more than just her tiny village beyond the forest. Is it safer in the village full of secrets? Or should she take on the Unconsecrated in the forest beyond? Think The Village but in a book!

Those are my top three selections, but there are SO MANY options out there, or authors who have a variety that can fit into the genre. For example, Neil Geiman (Coraline in particular— *shudder*). Or Stephen King.

Do you have a favorite horror author or book? Maybe a favorite movie to watch for Halloween? Let us know in the comments below!


Hunt for Halloween Horror

Do You Dare?

Abbey is the Teen Librarian at the West End. She tends to read anything that someone hands her, but truly enjoys reading history and young adult novels.

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