Government Shutdown Reads

As we are nearing week five of a frustrating government shutdown, these titles may help to cope with stress, better understand how the government works and the history of how we got here, or even visit our national parks from the comfort of an armchair.

When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times

Pema Chödrön channels Buddhist wisdom to address the seemingly endless stream of suffering, fear, anxiety and pain that our daily life presents. Techniques and transformative tools fill this bestselling guide. You can also check out this title as eBook on Libby. 

The National Parks : America’s Best Idea

America’s national parks spring from an idea as radical as the Declaration of Independence: that the nation’s most magnificent and sacred places should be preserved, not for royalty or the rich, but for everyone.

The Fifth Risk

Michael Lewis examines the federal government, its heroes, and the risks the entire nation faces when underinformed appointees obtain control over the highest ranks of government.