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Take the Bus

In an effort to help improve accessibility for public transit and pedestrian commuters in Pittsburgh, the city has adopted a Complete Streets initiative to help make roads and sidewalks more accessible, including for those with disabilities. The initiative aims to support non-auto commuters by implementing more bike lanes, curb ramps, high visibility crosswalks, and audible pedestrian signals. Much work has recently taken place around the road intersections near CLP-Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped to install pedestrian signals as well as crosswalk patterns as a result of the initiative. The initiative is a result of the National Complete Streets Coalition for Smart Growth America, an organization that aims to improve livability and transit opportunities for city neighborhood residents. The following are books from the LBPH collection are about public transit and the unexpected ways they affect commuters’ lives:

Last Stop on Market Street
By Matt de la Pena
DBC6858 / BR21056
A young boy, CJ, rides the bus across town with his grandmother and learns to appreciate the beauty in everyday things. For grades K-3.

Riding the Bus with My Sister
By Rachel Simon
DB55678 / CL16106
Chronicles author’s experiences with her MR but independent sister Beth.  Riding buses everyday, Beth is part of a mobile community of drivers and passengers.  Her indomitable spirit in the face of misunderstanding and prejudice forces Simon to reexamine their childhood and her own narrow adult life

Girl on the Train
By Paula HawkinsDB
DB80635 / CL15739 / BR20688
Rachel’s train commute to London passes her former house–now inhabited by her ex-husband and his new family. She also observes a  happy young neighboring couple–but then the wife goes missing. Rachel believes she witnessed a critical clue, but her alcoholic blackouts make her an unreliable witness.

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